Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

Recent Developments in Wild Aerial Cameras 
H. Kasper, Heerbrugg 
Only a short time ago, it became apparent that, as a rule, the potentialities of precision 
photographic plotting machines could not be exploited to the full due to the short 
comings of the pictures obtained with the lenses in use. 
Thus, it was felt by Wild that the development of new lenses, of unheard resolving 
power, was a most important goal to be achieved. 
The first remarkable new development in this effort, the Aviotar f/4-2 normal angle 
lens, designed by L. Bertele, was presented at the 6th Congress of the International 
Society of Photogrammetrv, held at the Hague, in the Netherlands. 
WILD PH 105 
Longitudinal section through normal angle «Aviotar» lens 
This lens not only has a much higher resolving power, for low contrasts, than the 
lenses used to date (of the Orthometar, Dagor and Dogmar types), but the very small 
distortion and excellent definition it gives are constant at all apertures. 
For most types of cartographic work, the residual distortion of the Aviotar, which 
amounts to barely ± 01 mm, may be neglected. Therefore, the lens may well be called 
“practically distortion free” in the usual sense of the term. Its chromatic compensation 
also makes it fully adequate for color photography. 
In the Wild RC5 fully automatic film camera, the Aviotar (f = 21 cm or 8-27") 
replaces the formerly used normal angle lens known as the “ D 21 ”.

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