Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

1. an Aviotar cone (f = 21 cm or 8-27") for pictures 18 X 18 cm (7-09" X 7-09"); 
2. an Aviogon cone (f = 11-5 cm or 4-53") for pictures 18 X 18 cm (7-09" X 7-09"), and 
3. an Aviogon cone (f = 15 cm or 5-91") for pictures 23 X 23 cm (9-06 X 9-06"). 
RC5 fully automatic aerial camera with cone and 18 x 18 cm film magazine 
Let us add that an adapter has been developed for the use of plates on the RC 5 film 
camera, with a plate by plate feed mechanism for the taking of certain sequences. This 
finds application in high level surveying and strip radial triangulation as needed, thus 
further increasing the versatility of the camera. 
The RC7 plate camera is now equipped with two interchangeable cones, the f = 17 cm 
(6-69") Aviotar, and the f = 10 cm (3-94") Aviogon. 
In this connection, let it be mentioned that the wide angle lens used for plates has a 
smaller angle than the one used for film in the RC5. There are three reasons for this: 
1. The pictures are to be used without any transformation on all Wild autographs. 
This means a minimum focal length of 98 mm. 
2. Surface regidarity tolerances, for the plates, can thus be kept within reasonable 
3. The opening must not be greater than the one to be used for normal converging 
pictures having an 188 convergence, because the view behind terrain obstacles 
would otherwise often be unsatisfactory in many precision pictures taken from low 
Roth camera types are equipped with built-in view-finder telescope, overlap regulator 
and connections for auxiliary instruments.

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