exceptionnelles et bien
sous quelque forme que
e la cartographie photo-
aux, techniques entière-
îent qu’une contribution
nt remarquable dans ses
ensemble la S.I.P. édicte
es à
l’attribution de ces
Liver, en liaison avec Mr.
îément au paragraphe 2
MM. Poivilliers, Harry
réglementation tendant
minications qui seraient
bre des communications
is. On n’arriva pas à un
veau Conseil et du nou-
î Congrès, en leur recom-
membres honoraires de
>rn, F. Baschlin et O. S.
y tenir le prochain Con-
organiser le Congrès en
lieu la possibilité de le
gensen fut proposé pour
imétrie; mais, du fait de
ominations du Secrétaire
3nt le Professeur Scher-
Janicot et le Général R.
Commission II, Belelux
lie — Commission VI,
Mr. Ray Smart,
Program Director, International Society of Photogrammetry.
Fellow members of the International Society of Photogrammetry, disting
uished guests, ladies and gentlemen; I consider it a great honor and privilege to
open this Seventh International Congress of Photogrammetry, the first to be
convened in the 'Western Hemisphere.
I am most grateful to the officers and reporters of the seven Commissions
of the International Society who have performed a major portion of the work
of developing the technical program; to the many members of the program
staff for their hard work and constructive advice in planning for the Seventh
Congress; to the translators and interpreters for their vital assistance; to the
many commercial organizations and other agencies for the splendid displays of
equipment and techniques.
Because of the rapid progress which has been made since the last Interna
tional Congress, there is much information and many ideas to be exchanged,
and in view of the limited amount of time for each of us to participate in the
program, I shall bring this to a close and move on to our welcoming address
We are privileged to have with us today Mr. George D. Whitmore, Pre
sident of the American Society of Photogrammetry, our host society. Mr.
Whitmore has for the past thirty years been engaged in progressive surveying
and mapping. Until 1933 he was engaged in private practice, specializing in
city surveys and maps. From 1934 to 1945 he was Chief of Surveys for the
Tennessee Valley Authority. During a part of 1944 his services were loaned to
Brazil to advise on new mapping programs and for the past seven years he has
been the Chief of the Technical Staff of the Topographic Division of the
United States Geological Survey. Mr. Whitmore was president of the American
Congress on Surveying and Mapping in 1942 and 1943 and is a former Chair
man of the Surveying and Mapping Division of the American Society of Civil
Engineers. He is an author of texts of Geodetic Surveying, Elements of Photo
grammetry, and advanced Surveying and Mapping, Co-Author of the Ame
rican Society of Civil Engineers, Manual number 10 on City Surveys.
Mr. Ray Smart,
Directeur du Programme Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie.
Membres de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie, hôtes distin
gués, mesdames et messieurs, je considère que c’est un grand honneur et un
grand privilège que d’ouvrir ce Septième Congrès International de Photogram-