Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

numerous others I have failed to mention, make very real contibutions to the 
total defense effort. 
In summation, I should like to reiterate that all of your efforts in the field 
of photogrammetry are direct contributions to the common defense effort. 
Thru the mapping produced by photogrammetric methods, the military map 
requirement is met; and thru the subsequent civil editions of the maps, the 
cultural development of a country is fostered. If your contribution is in map 
ping for civil functions you serve the defense effort by strengthening the eco 
nomy of the country through resultant increase of the productive capacity and 
development of resources. 
It is my opinion that you people here today and your colleauges hold the 
key to acceleration of the pace of international cooperation in photogramme 
try. One of the distinct advantages of our way of life is that we are allowed to 
exchange our ideas freely. This one element in our existence has not only per 
mitted, but has actually implemented in a very real and physical sense, our 
joint progress in the field of photogrammetric mapping as well as in numerous 
other ways. 
I regard this Congress as a display of the democratic process in action. 
The cooperative attitude evinced by the delegates and members of the various 
photogrammetric societies and the exchange of information and ideas thru the 
technical meetings and publications, has fostered a bond of friendship which 
permeates all of our relationships. I believe that to continue to receive the maxi 
mum benefit from our inter-relationships these meetings should be held at more 
frequent intervals and that the distribution of our various publications among 
the organizations represented at this Congress should be expanded. 
Le General de Division George J. Nold, 
Chef-Adjoint du Corps des Ingénieurs, Armee des Etats-Unis. 
Monsieur le President, 
Messieurs les Délégués, 
Mesdames et Messieurs, 
Au mois de janvier, 1951, dans ce même endroit, mon chef, le General Pick, 
a parle a la reunion annuelle de la Société Américaine de la Photogrammetrie 
sur l’importance de son rôle dans la Defense Nationale. L’absence du General 
Pick en voyage a l’etranger empeche son assistance devant vous en personne 
aujourd’hui, pour parler a cette assemblée plus grande. Entretemps, nos visees 
et nos buts en commun sont devenus de plus en plus internationaux dans leur 
etendue. Le NATO s’est developpee d’une idee, ou d’un idéal, dans une force 
possédant une puissance signifiante. Nos projets de defense ont dépassé les 
cadres nationaux et ont ecquia un caractère international. En conséquence, je 
suis aujourd’hui très reconnaissant d’avoir cette occasion de vous parler, Mes 
sieurs les Délégués a vous qui etes les plus interesses dans ce domaine, a vous les

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