Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

mittee of Katanga. The plotting of 5000 sq.km, at average scales for various 
surveys (railway routes, rural or mineral property surveys, location of hydro 
electric units, etc.) was done or is in the course of completion. For the needs of 
the military base of Kamissa, an aeronautical chart at 1 : 500.000 scale covering 
the significant part of an area 440 km by 330 km was also done by I.G.M. 
The Topographic and Photogrammetric Section of the Ministry of Public 
Works also extended a large part of its activity in the domain of colonial pho 
togrammetric work. Of these are plans or maps for projects having to do with 
communication routes, power transmission, study for the construction of 
hydro-electric plants, urban and suburban cadastral surveys, etc. 
In the realm of study and research, the Laboratory of Photogrammetry of 
the University of Liege under the direction of Professor Pauwen continued its 
activity. It is principally occupied by searching for new methods of aerotrian- 
gulation, a method giving bases and azimuths of stereo pairs, and the production 
of a new type of barometer and statoscope. 
The teaching of photogrammetry is being developed and research in this 
field has received new encouragement in Belgium, thanks to the works of Pro 
fessors Baetsle (Escole Royale Militaire), Letroye (Université Libre de Bruxel 
les), Pauwen (Université de Liège), Vander Heyden (Université de Gand) and 
Wiser (Faculté Polytechnique de Mons) President of the Commission III at the 
Seventh Congress in Washington. 
Significant in the non-cartographic applications of photogrammetry are 
the works of Mr. Lemaire of the Institut Géographique and of Mr. Pastiels, 
Doctor of Natural Sciences, concerning the biometric studies on the Lamel 
libranches of coal and coal fields (mapping of shell fish from 4 to 50 mm with 
a vertical accuracy from 6 to 80 microns); of Mr. Tuippe, professor of the 
Université of Liège, in geographic interpretation; and of Mr. Tavernier, pro 
fessor of the Université de Gand, in the pedological (soils) interpretation from 
aerial photographs. 
We finally point out the very great effort of the Gevaert photographic 
manufacturing firm to furnish photogrammetrists with contrast emulsions, fine 
grain, high resolution, and the significant improvement of camera supports for 
plates and films of very high quality. 
L. Vander Ryt. 
L’élaboration de la nouvelle carte régulière de Belgique au 1/25.000e par 
voie aérophotogrammétrique s’est poursuivie durant cette période par les soins 
de l’Institut Géographique Militaire. Deux méthodes essentiellement différentes 
selon la nature orographique du terrain sont utilisées. La Haute et la Moyenne 
Belgique sont levées par aérophotogrammétrie, la Basse-Belgique est carto- 
graphiée par redressement. 
De plus, l’Institut Géographique Militaire a dû procéder à une mise à jour 
rapide de la carte au 1/50.000e de tout le territoire. Ce travail doit être mené à

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