Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Deuxième fascicule)

In the new Photostereograph there are as before reflecting surfaces, 
not placed at 45° to the camera axis, as it was in the previously mentioned 
Deville system, but respect to the axis of the collimating rod. 
The observation takes automatically place on the epipolar planes of 
the stereoscopical pair, and this without needing any correcting device. 
Cursore by(A) Cambio Y p ? GJ L F 
C2 zM 
S oN 
Ca m =i x 
by F' 
C (x-v) 
Cambio X Livelle Ev Ex | | 
Fig 2 —- C, = M = Center of the left doubling gimbal (left metric mark); S — Luminous 
source of the objective mark; G — Zero setting; Y" X/— Handwheels; r = Rheostat of 
the source for the illumination of the photograms; Z' — Foot-control of the car- 
riage; J = Base, Z=Z carriage; L,L” = Projecting cameras, R = X relais push-botton; 
b. D b, — Control buttons of the plotting base components; — Change of ratios at 
the X, Y numerators of the coordinatograph; F, F' — Photograms illumination; p=Screw- 
button for locking doubling gimbal bearer or slide by; q»o,k- Tilt Buttons for the 
reciprocal orientation of the left camera; E, E, — Plugs for the electro-coordinatograph; 
P,— Main plug 60 V; Guida :Y—Y slide; livelle=levels; cursore bb, slide; 
cambio Y=Y change-over 

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