After having installed the optical system as already described, by
placing a luminous point, instead of the cross-wire one has put on ihe
focal plane a sensitized film actuated by a clock movement, in order to
study the behaviour of the gyroscope during a certain time, through the
track (where the abscissa represents the time, and the ordinate the angles)
recorded by the image of the point on the film. The interruption of the
track represent 10 seconds’ intervals.
The trials accomplished were the following:
1) Time employed by the primary axis to assume the exact orienta-
tion (see diagr. C) — The arrow shows the moment when the primary
axis is stabilized. This takes place already 180" before that the motor has
reached its regimen speed. The oscillations when the axis is stabilized do
not eccede 30" of arc with respect to the base track.
2) Influence of the transversal accelerations (see diagr. D) — After
having placed the whole contrivance on a smooth plane, it has been
given (once the gyroscope was stabilized) transverse accelerations in the
sense of the primary and of the secondary axis, of the value of 5 and
10 meters /sec.
The oscillations as revealed by the diagram remain of the same order,
and in any way they are not in correspondance with the accelerations (one
second after the interruptions); one can assume therefore that their effect
(which by the way should not exists when the flight is correct) is practi-
cally zero.
3) Tilt around the primary axis (see diagr. E) — The device was
given tilt movements around the primary axis, and back to the normal
attitude for angles of 6? (sexages.) and for times (to and fro) ranging
from 10” to 1,5”. Both on the reading of the maximum excursion of the
point, and on the examination of the track after the return to the normal
attitude, were noticed errors not bigger than 50” of arc.
4) Prolonged permanence with an unusual attitude (diagr. F) — Even
with 60" permanence with an axis tilted of 6° the results are the same
as with the previous trial. As a conclusion one has noticed that even
with abnormal flicht conditions the instrument does not surpass, as ano-
maly of recording, 50” of arc for each component; which corresponds, in
the limit case of both maximum errors, a difference of recording of ihe
plumb point of 50”x V5 =T70" of arc.
When one considers that this represents a first sperimental realiza-
tion, which is susceptible of further improvements, the results appear no
doubt as encouraging.