Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Deuxième fascicule)

Mr. Hárry says that to his view Prof. Wiser and Prof. Poivilliers are 
completely competent to select the right word. He proposes to have these two 
settle the question. 
Mr. Poivilliers: As far as the french language is concerned the president 
and I agree on the word “cheminement”. For the English I am in favour of the 
word *photographic traverse." 
Mr. Blachut remarks that this is a linguistic question and that every 
language-group should decide for itself. For the English he proposes the word 
“bridging” because it is simple and generally used. 
Ihe president: I don't think there are any difficulties in English; the only 
difficulty seems to be the french text and I therefore call for a vote to decide if 
in the french text the word “cheminement” or “aerotriangulation” shall be 
The result of the vote is that there are 16 for and 16 against the change of 
the word aerial triangulation into “cheminement.” 
Mr. Poivilliers proposes to let the french votes prevail over the others 
because it is the french text that is concerned. 
The president emphasizes that there is no question of imposing the use of 
a certain word on anyone but that only the french text of the resolutions of 
this commission is at stake. 
A second vote gives as a result 16 for and 21 against, so that in the french 
text the word aerialtriangulation will be maintained. 
The president closes the session with the expression of his gratitude for the 
successful development of the proceedings, for the excellent work of the inter- 
preters and for the cooperation of all the attendants of the meetings of Com- 
mission III. 
Commission III expresses the following recommendations: 
A. With respect to the functioning of the Commission: 
1. That permanent contact be maintained, during the period 1952-56, 
between the persons interested in the progress of the methods of aerotriangula- 
tion. In particular, it is hoped that the President of the Commission will 
organize, in 1954 for example, an international meeting of the specialists who 
are actively engaged in these questions. 
2. That the report of the Commission may be not only statistical, but may 
contain as well a critical outline of the progress that has been realized. This 
report will attach a special importance to the work and research that can render 
service to all those who make use of aerotriangulation, independently of the 
material used. If it is impossible, in the absence of a complete documentation, to 
prepare this document before the Congress, this study will be published in the 
International Archives. 
3. That a very precise distinction be established between the communi- 
cations which supply positive data, especially experimental results offering a 
statistical value, and those which express only speculative ideas not sanctioned 
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