Ing. H. Bonneval (France).
First communication: Operating method with machines.
General principle: This is the method with “constant altitude” (B zero) as
it has been exposed in a communication to the Congress in the Hague (1948).
The operating method, however, has been remodelled substantially. One has
1. to reduce to a minimum the instrumental operating time,
2. to utilize to a maximum the instrumental precision, preferring calculated
corrections to the read elements above introducing corrections to the reading
devices of the instrument. (e.g. scale-transfer),
3. to reduce as much as possible the systematic and accidental errors.
Goal, to furnish a network for the plotting on scales i : 40.000—1 : 100.000.
Description of the operating method. The method, based on precedental
considerations and applied for several years, has given great satisfaction and a
good useful effect.
1°). Use of photographs on glass only, application of wide-angle lenses.
2°). Position of the photographs: the relative position of two successive photo-
graphs in the instrument is chosen in that way that it corresponds at any time
with a constant relative position of the two plates during the exposures.
3°). Introduction of the plotting-cameras: once for all in the beginning of the
mission, the operator changes the photographs without modifying the position
of the camera.
4°). Constant base: Bx as long as possible, By and B; are kept zero. Scaling of
the models by calculation.
5°). Double passage. All the traversings are executed two times, every model is
formed successively with base outward and base inward. This has three
a) No necessity to consider two different systematic errors;
b) Reduction of accidental errors in the centering of the plates and in the form-
ing of the stereoscopic models;
c) Immediate elimination of blunders.
Formation of the stereoscopic model: Improvements of the procedure
exposed in the Hague:
a) in quality: by keeping by — 0. The parameters are: X-tilt, Y-tilt and
swing of the new photograph, Y-tilt and swing of the old photograph. The
variations of Y-tilt and swing, given to the old camera are determined from
readings on the reading-circles of the instrument.
b) Useful effect: By suppressing (at least provisionally) the repetition of