Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Deuxième fascicule)

a) How many public and private organizations execute photo- 
grammetrie surveys? 
b) How many peoples are now working in photogrammetric or- 
ganizations ? 
c) What particulars of the organization present a speclal in- 
terest ? 
d) How are regulated the technical and economic relations bet- 
ween customers and undertakers of surveys? 
e) Maps of annual and total areas, for each scale, obtained with 
redressing and restitution. 
f) Minimum and maximum production of restitution in the 8 
hours on scales 1:1000, 1:2000, 1:5000, 1:10 000. 
g) Purcentage of incidence of the different phases of the work in 
regard to the cost price and time of complete work, in the aero-photo- 
grammetric extensive surveys on scales 1:2000, 1:5000, 1:10 000. 
h) Do the photogrammetric organizations execute all the diffe- 
rent phases of the surveying work or some of them only? 
i) Do manufacturers of photogrammetric equipments exist in 
the country ? 
a) Did the photogrammetry help the economy of the country 
allowing it to put at the disposal of the man new areas uninhabited be- 
fore ? 
b) Has the photogrammetry contributed to accelerate the solu- 
tion of problems such as the research of new economic resources, the 
transformation of areas previously unhealthy, the opening of important 
ways of communications, the improvement of the living standard in 
various territories ? 

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