Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

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arch people are 
not yet familiar with photogrammetry at all, we have firstly to get them 
acquainted with the possibilities of photcgrammetry in this line. 
X-ray photogrammetry is widely used in scientific research as well as 
in everyday routine and its importance is not to be doubted. We only 
regret that so much work in this line is done without elementary know- 
ledge of photogrammetry. 
X-ray photogrammetry is used only for studying stereoscopic pictures. 
(X-ray apparatus Hasselwander). For scientific purposes plotting is re- 
quired at present. 
Reports cn forestry photogrammetry have arrived from Austria, Finland, 
France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland and U.S.A. 
Question No. 1: 
To what extent are air photographs used in your country as an aid in 
forestry? In connection with this a short account should be given of carto- 
graphy (Commission IV) and interpretation of photographs (Commission 
If the methods of application mentioned below under No 2—8 are used, 
information about the following circumstances is specially required: 
(a) The extent of the application. 
(b) The character of images and the instruments used. 
(c) Methods. 
(d) Precision. 
(e) Statements as to time and price investigations, if any. 
(f) Trends of development. 
In Austria aerial photogrammetry is up to now not specially used for 
forestry purposes with the exception of some experimental plottings. This 
backwardness is a result of the two world wars. In some early experimental 
plottings (Kobsa and Wang in South Tyrol about 1890, Prof. Dr. Dock in 
Kärnten about 1920, Dr. Wodera in Langau after 1925, the Bund. verm. amt. 
f.E.u.V.W. in Türnitz, Leermoos and Paal) terrestrial photogranunetry was 
used. All early works served forestry topographical purposes exclusively, 
but the experimental works by Dr. Wodera from 1946 to 1950 were chiefly 
concentrated upon finding an available method for volume estimation by 
aerial photographs. 

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