Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

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The Water-Power Board, the Public Organization for Higluvays and 
Hydraulic Structures, the Royal Telegraph Service, the State Farming Or- 
ganization, the Board of Crown Lands and Forests, the State Railways, the 
Geographical Institutions at the Universities of Lund and Uppsala (See the 
Swedish report to Commission IV). 
At the Department of Photography at the General Staff of Defense and 
the Air Force Administration, photogrammetric activity concerning educa- 
tion and research is carried on. 
The Photogrammetric Division of the Royal Institute of Technology in 
Stockholm has devoted certain research activities to topographie photogram- 
metry. The theory of error in aerial triangulation is treated according to 
new points of view in No. 4 and also in No. 23. Basic optical, photographic 
and geometric questions are treated in No. 7, 43, 19 and 44. The mecha- 
nical radial triangulation, and proposals for improving it, is treated in No. 9, 
9a and 60. In No. 22 certain experiments to use a helicopter for aerial 
photographing are related. An investigation of the possibilities of using 
aerial photogrammetry te compile maps for draining purposes is given 
an account of in No. 25. The flight was made at a low height (400 meters). 
A very good accuracy was obtained (mean error between 5 and 10 cm). 
General viewpoints on the present stage of development of photogram- 
metry with special regard to mapping is given in No. 27. Examinations 
concerning the function of the shutter of the aerial camera in different 
circumstances are described in No. 28, a new method to determine the 
inner orientation in No. 30. The question of the theory of error of the 
rectification, very little studied up to now, is treated in No. 29 and also 
in No. 31. In the latter publication the accuracy of the finnish horizon 
method is also studied. 
The Photographic Division of the Royal Institute of Technology is very 
important to the development of photogrammetry in Sweden, since photo- 
graphy is one of the most important bases of photogrammetry. 
Another organization of great importance to Swedish photogrammetry is 
the Optics Laboratory at the Royal Institute of Technology, which was pro- 
visorically founded in 1948. At this institute valuable investigations are per- 
formed concerning photogrammetric optical problems. 
The divisions of photography, optics and photogrammetry at the Royal 
Institute of Technology work in close cooperation. 
Special Photogrammetry 
The use of photogrammetry for other purposes than topographical 
In Sweden special photogrammetry is quickly developing, but on the 
whole it is still on the research stage. There is no organization fer regular 
activity in this part of photogrammetry. The chief investigations have 
been made by the Committee on Forestry Photogrammetry and the Divi- 
sion of Photogrammetry at the Royal Institute of Technology. 

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