Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

The Committee on Forestry Photogrammetry. hanc 
In No. 57 a detailed account is given of the results of the investigations of , mos 
the committee concerning the application of photogrammetry in forestry. are 
A summary of the contents of this publication »Flygbilden i skogsbrukets 20— 
tjànst» (Aerial Photographs in the Service cf Forestry) is given below. the 
It can also be mentioned that a number of questions belonging to pho! 
forestry photogrammetry are treated in No. 2, 21, 54 and 55. In No. 5 spru 
is related the research work concerning the problem to distinguish diffe- For 
rent tree species on aerial photographs. An experiment to determine timber mor 
volume with terrestrial photogrammetric methods is described in No. 10. S 
: : mer 
Summary of the memorandum »Aerial Photographs in the Service of | Swe 
Forestry», Stockholm 1951. | forc 
(By N. Hagberg.) tou 
; | tati 
The committee was appointed in 1948 by the Fund for Forest Research e 
and consists both of foresters and photogrammetricians appointed by the he 
Beard of Crown Lands and Forests, the Private Forestry Board, and the the 
Geographical Survey Office (vide p. 8). Its purpose is to study what possi- mal 
bilities there are for raticnally exploiting aerial photographs in Swedish test 
forestry. At the same time the committee has to deal with relevant ad- sur 
ministrative and organizaticnal questions. The committee has tried to make whi 
use of foreign experience, as well as making its own experiments in its are 
own experimental forests and in collaboration with practical forestry in alsı 
: Sweden. All these issues are dealt with in the memorandum, as can be seen de 
: from the following table of contents: s 
1. Introduetion A RE KA p. 7 for 
2. Uses hitherto made of aerial photographs in forestry 12 tior 
| Abroad ue uit Jalon daniel Jaws ail dhe on 12 gre 
| In Sweden . dn teh t eStore 13 sup 
3. Survey of current photogrammetric activity and its the 
| organization in. Sweden |... o e ntn | nnne 20 wh 
| 4. The commiitee‘s:enquities: .............0.0.00000 d dit 
| Study.of elements involved... ente dein. 5O tai 
Practical experiments in application .............. 88 dir 
Experiments with instruments, ete. .............. 99 dei 
5. Possibilities of using aerial photographs in Swedish ph 
forestry... a i aie a 105 the 
6. Research: Report and suggestions  .............. 133 in 
Training: Report and sugsestions ................ 149 an 
8. Review of reporis and proposals .................. 164 hi: 
° ins 
Cartographically speaking, it may be said that the Swedish forest lands be 
vary between plain and highland, but that they are predominantly mode- Sii 
rately hilly. The number of ground details as to the crientation which can be 
also be found in the aerial photographs is rather large. On the other pr 

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