Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

etailed fieldwork 
generalize them 
rial photographs 
made to a large 
a photo-scale of 
fter the war the 
ry purposes: 
000 to 1 : 18.000. 
isters (preferably 
elers, stereopan- 
f single pictures 
as formerly sur- 
nade by forestry 
fic forestry pur- 
and without old 
y maps of young 
the Agricultural 
successfully and 
"y or training in 
n made only by 
ym aerial photos, 
n areas; all this 
icial experiments 
ry. This was the 
the Italian Land 
> experiment was 
ne forest (in the 
The aerial photographs were taken in July 1950 by the »Instituto Geografico Militare» 
on a relative altitude of 1.600 metres, with a doublecamera Santoni 3?: Plate size 130X 
180 mm, inclination 15?, plate changing magazine for 240 plates, focal length 195 mm, 
angular coverage: 63°X50° and central lamellar shutter. 
The film used was Ferrania »Avio pancro», anti-halo, sensibility 18/10 Din, exposure 
1/200 second, relative aperture F/8, thin yellow filter. 
The plotting for planimetric and height surveying was made on a scale of 1:2.000, 
necessary for estate boundaries, and on the scales of 1:1250 and 1: 1.000 for forests. 
Owing to the necessity to investigate the river areas of the North-Italian 
mountains, the main part of the Italian forests and the regions lacking 
complete surveying, one has resorted to the photo-maps quickly made of 
vertical cr rectified oblique pictures, which were issued during the end of 
the war. Thus photo-maps have been compiled over about 2.000.000 hec- 
tares of the mountain river regions. 
This material, which has been distributed to the different planning 
departments, is to serve experimental planning for quick actions in the 
river regions for hydro-geological purposes or for recultivating of forests, 
while the central civil service departments use the photo-maps to keep the 
existing maps up to date and to control the action in question. 
In Switzerland, general maps from the cadastral survey are used as a 
base for forestry inventory and management and at forest planting and 
seeding. No other need of photogrammetry in forestry has yet appeared. 
In Sweden all civil aerial photography is executed by the Geographical 
Survey Office. The photographing is made partly to complete an economic 
map of the country, scale 1 : 10.000 (and in connection with this a photo- 
map), partly as work made to order. The regular photographing is made 
with a Zeiss wide-angle camera (RMK 20/30, 30) on a negative scale of 
1: 20.000 (only vertical pictures). At works made to order, other types of 
cameras are exceptionally used. At present about half of Sweden is photo- 
graphed from the air. As an example of to what extent aerial photographs 
are used in forestry it can be mentioned that during the budget year of 
1949/1950 40 °/o of the income from the order division of the Geographical 
Survey Office came from the forestry. 
The aerial photographs are almost exclusively used for mapping pur- 
poses and have chiefly come to use in the forestry in the North of Sweden. 
Several methods of procedure have been put to practice, depending on 
what type of photographic material was available. The forest map was 
mostly given the form of a photo-map on the scale of 1: 10.000 but also 
mosaics and drawn maps were used as forestry maps. 
The answers to the following questions 2 to 8 refer to experimental work 
executed by the Committee on Forestry Photogrammetry. The use of 
photogrammetry for the purposes referred to in the questions is in Sweden 
yet in the stage of experiment and has only to a small extent been put to 
use in practical forestry. 

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