Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

odbc With one standard parallel 
wo Orthomorphic 
21.5 Equivalent 
«2 Cylindrical projections 
«21. Simple and transversal 
32 Orthomorphic. Mercator. Lambert 
2:235 Lambert's equivalent projection 
eh Azimuthal or zenithal projections 
hi Eguidistant 
Le Orthomorphic.  Stereographic 
45 Equival ent 
Lb Gnomonic 
47 Orthographic 
. 48 Mean error perspective projections 
5 Conventional and polyconic projections 
.61 Globular, Nellis projection 
On Orthomorphic 
63 Polyconic, Rectangular polyconic 
Nn Rectangular coordinates 
| ‚65 Equivalent 
| . 69 World-map projections, etc. 
eT Vertical projections and cross-sections 
9 Map grids, Rectangular coordinates 
293 Military grids 
«97 State plane coordinates 
|| 526.802 Symbolization of topographic detail 
l| sd General principals of symbolization 
o4. Density of cartographic detail 
I Displacement of detail by scale limitations 
«43 Representation of topographic relief 
«131. Hypsographie expression 
:132 Topographic license 
3123 Alignment of contours 
| «134 Use of spot elevations 
| i4 Cartographic design of maps (General theory) 
|| 2 Symbolization of cultural features 
se Roads, trails, and related features 
:92 Railroads, carlines, and related features 
«23 Urban areas 
o 2h Buildings and other structures 
«5 Boundaries and limit lines 
» 26 Bridges and related features 
«27 Miscellaneous cultural features 
23 Symbolization of hydrographic features 

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