Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

e 34. Tidal shorelines 
«32 Rivers, streams, and related features 
133 Lakes, and related features 
«3h Marshes, swamps, bogs, related features 
«35 Springs 
e36 Canals and ditches 
37 Wells, water tanks, reservoirs, etc. 
„38 Glaciers, snow fields, related features 
oh Symbolization of topo relief (See 526.802.13) 
15 Symbolization of natural ground cover 
526.803 Drafting of maps and charts 
e + Materials 
«d Equipment 
«2 Techniques 
, 804 Utilization of ground control points 
805 Map accuracy standards, specifications, tests 
$4. Map projections and grids 
À Horizontal control 
«3 Vertical control 
oh Accuracy of planimetric detail 
«5 Accuracy of contours 
0 Accuracy of spot elevations 
, 806 Special cartographic procedures 
ed. Cadastral compilations 
„x Exploratory and reconnaissance surveys 
+3 Engineering right-of-way compilations 
ods Large scale maps and plans 
3 Map revision 
«51 From photographs 
«53 From previously published maps 
7 Terrain relief models, maps (3-dimensional) 
, 807 Completion of cartographic compilations | 
od Joining edges of manuscripts : 
22 Geographic names (orthography) 
aa Placement of lettering 
od, Office edit 
(5 Field edit 
6 Manuscript correction 
oT Historical records 
526.9 Topographical Surveying (compilation of maps, etc.) 
‚91 Ground surveys (Methods, equipment and material) 
Plane tabling 

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