Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

ration. In addition 
measurements of 
at the university. 
ume measurement 
and that the me- 
estimation of the 
rial photographs. 
> tables or sample 
not be continued, 
lary factor when 
wever, often hard 
we small, densely 
well as the scale, 
je used for many 
mated from preli- 
metimes density. 
them with photo- 
have previously 
ias yielded rather 
arge forest areas 
is relatively little 
op these methods 
ation, about half 
liameter measure- 
uises for manage- 
2 plans, national 
of accuracy. The 
and the highest 
'y ground cruises. 
stem of the tree 
to 3" top, while 
r limit of about 
Question No. 6: 
Road building and draining in forestry. 
Aerial photographs have not been methodically used in road building or 
draining. Occasionally preliminary exploring of the ground was made on 
single aerial pictures. There exists a certain amount of interest in the 
A general means of assistance and basis for planning. 
Sweden: (No. 6 and 7.) 
Many special sorts of work are also considerably facilitated by the use 
of aerial photographs. This is one of the facts appearing from our studies 
concerning the proper way to plan forest motor-roads and fire protection 
for the forests. The pictures can also be used when planning ditching, 
although here the conditions in Sweden do not seem to allow much ad- 
vantage from such a proceeding. Taken together these various applications 
are expected to assume great value for forest management in the future, 
when photogrammetry will have been incorporated in forestry and other 
comparable fields. 
U.S. A: 
Where photos are available they are consulted for the best road location. 
It does not pay to fly an area especially for a logging road location. 
Question No. 7: 
Forest protection (fire, insects, wind). 
Aerial pictures are not used for protection of the forest against fire-, insect- and wind- 
For the moment of no importance. 
Question No. 8: 
Facilitation of the daily work of the local forest administration by use of 
interpretation of images of those forest regions that are to be thinned, cut, 
seeded and planted etc. 

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