Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

| 1937. 
Farrington, J. L., “A Geological Application of Aerial Survey,” Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Africa, 
vol. 38, pp. 57-71. 
Madigan, C. T., “The Australian Sand-Ridge Deserts,” Geogr. Rev., vol. 26, pp. 205-227. 
Melton, F. A., “An Empirical Classification of Flood-Plain Streams,” Geogr. Rev., vol. 26, 
pp. 593-609. 
van Nouhuys, “Geological Interpretation of Aerial Photographs,” Amer. Inst. Min. & Met. 
Eng., Tech. Publ. No. 825, 18 pp. 
Loel, Wayne, “Use of Aerial Photographs in Geologic Mapping,” Amer. Inst. Min. & Met. 
Eng., Tech. Publ. No. 890, 54 pp. 
Norman, G. W. H., “The Last Pleistocene Ice-Front in Chibougamou District, Quebec,” 
Trans. Roy. Soc. Can., sect. 4, vol. 32, pp. 69-86. 
Wilson, J. T., “Drumlins of South-West Nova Scotia," Trans. Roy. Soc. Can., sect. 4, vol. 
32, pp. 41-47. 
Henderson, L. H., “Detailed Geological Mapping and Fault Studies of the San Jacinto 
Tunnel Line and Vicinity," Jour. Geol., vol. 47, pp. 314—324. 
Howard, A. D., “Hurricane Modification of the Offshore Bar of Long Island, New York,” 
Geogr. Rev., vol. 39, pp. 400-415. | 
Nichols, R. L., and Marston, A. F., "Shoreline Changes in Rhode Island Produced by Hurri- | 
cane of Sept. 21, 1938," Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., vol. 50, pp. 1357—1370. | 
Sproule, J. C., “The Pleistocene Geology of the Cree Lake Region, Saskatchewan,” Trans. 
Roy. Soc. Can., sect. 4, vol. 33, pp. 101-110. 
Wilson, J. T., “Eskers North-East of Great Slave Lake,” Trans. Roy. Soc. Can., sect. 4, vol. 
33, pp. 119-130. 
Evans, O. F., “The Low and Ball of the Eastern Shore of Lake Michigan,” Jour. Geol., vol. 
48, pp. 476-511. 
Fedorovich, B., Some Fundamental Considerations Concerning the Origin and Develop- 
ment of the Sand Relief," Bull. de I’ Academie des Sciences de URSS, Ser. Geogr. & 
Geophys., pp. 885-910 (in Russian with English summary). 
Melton, F. A., “A Tentative Classification of Sand Dunes ...,” Jour. Geol., vol. 48, pp 
Reed, J. C., “The Use of Airplane Photographs in the Geologic Study of the Chichagof 
Mining District, Alaska,” PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING, vol. 6, pp. 35-44. 
Smith, H. T. U., “Geologic Studies in Southwestern Kansas," Kans St. Geol. Surv. Bull. 39, 
pp. 153-168 and PI. 24-28. 
Bobek, H., “Luftbild und Geomorphologie,” Hansa Luftbild, Berlin, 161 pp. 
Hack, J. T., “Dunes of the Western Navajo Country,” Geogr. Rev., vol. 31, pp. 240-263. 
Smith, H. T. U., "Aerial Photographs in Geomorphic Studies," Jour. Geomorph., vol. 4, pp. 
171-205. . 
Washburn, B., “A Preliminary Report on Studies of the Mountains and Glaciers of Alaska,” 
Geogr. Jour. (London), vol. 98, pp. 219-227. 
Fitch, A. A., “Geological Observations on Air Photographs of the Peace River Area," 
British Columbia: PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING, vol. 8, pp. 156-159. 
Eardley, A. J., “Aerial Photographs: Their Use and Interpretation," Harper & Bros., N. Y., 
203 pp. 
Gwynne, C. S., "Swell and Swale Pattern of the Mankato Lobe of the Wisconsin Drift 
Plain in Iowa," Jour. Geol., vol. 50, pp. 200-208. 
Johnson, Douglas, “The Origin of the Carolina Bays," Columbia Univ. Press, N. Y., 341 pp. 
Jolliffe, A. W., "Structures in the Canadian Shield," Amer. Geophys. Un. Trans. for 1942, pp. 
Pardee, J. T., Unusual Currents in Glacial Lake Missoula, Montana," Geol. Soc. Amer. 
Bull., vol. 53, pp. 1569—1600. 
Büdel, J., "Das Luftbild im Dienste der Eisforschung und Eiserkundung," Zeit. Gesell. 
Erdkunde Berlin., H. 7/10, pp. 311—339. 
Desjardins, L., Measurement of Dip Angles on Aerial Photographs," Amer. Assoc. Petrol. 
Geol. Bull., vol. 27, pp. 1534-1538. 
Eardley, A. J., ''Aerial Photographs and the Distribution of Construction Materials," Proc. 
23rd Ann. Meeting Highway Res. Bd., pp. 557—568. 
Lang, W. B., “Gigantic Drying Cracks in Animas Valley, N. M.," Science, vol. 98, pp. 583- 
Smith, H. T. U., Aerial Photographs and Their Applications," Appleton-Century, N. Y., 
372 pp. 
Troll, Carl, Fortschritte der Wissenschaftlichen Luftbildforschung," Zeit. Gesell. Erdkunde 
Berlin, H. 7/10, pp. 277-311. 
Fisk, H. N., “Geological Investigation of the Alluvial Valley of the Lower Mississippi 
River,” Miss. River Comm., Vicksburg, Miss., 78 pp. 

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