Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

and the ensuing interpretation for first phase reports, the pupils are also trained 
in quick examination of negatives still wet from processing. 
Under all circumstances great importance should be given to teaching analy- 
sis of terrain in aerial photos in different seasons of the year. Furthermore, the 
presentation of annotated photos, reports with sketches, which correctly re- 
produce the identification and measuring results, perhaps on transparent trac- 
ings for superimposition on mosaics, completed by statements expressed in 
clear and concise words, are part of the elementary training. 
For more advanced photo-interpreting as a basis for detailed reports, the 
training is completed with precision measuring in stereo photographs, and also 
in single pictures of the oblique type with the objects photographed in various 
perspectives. Comparisons should be made with photographs taken earlier of 
the same object or area. The pupils should receive training to make them pro- 
ficient in presenting large-scale information maps, and in certain cases, also 
highly detailed target maps. 
The advanced training should aim first and foremost at imparting to the 
pupils a thorough knowledge of the enemy's forces, and his tactical behavior 
in various situations. They must be trained to be able to judge the joint tactical 
connection between the various details of military importance, which it has 
been possible to establish in the pictures, and on the basis of the picture analysis 
made, to interpret the intentions and plans of the enemy. The pupils must 
always have in mind that their reports must be so reliable that they can be 
used as a basis for the operative actions of the command. 
Especially this latter part of the training makes great demands on the 
efficiency of the pupils, and such advanced photo-interpreting can be done 
only by officers who have received good tactical schooling. 
The analysis of photographs of urban areas and industries of various kinds, 
as well as pictures illustrating their activities, for example ship building, also 
belongs to advanced photo-interpreting. It is preferable to train technicians and 
specialists in these respective spheres for the above mentioned interpretation. 
However, with the help of good handbooks and instructive pictorial material, 
even other photo-interpreters can achieve satisfactory results in this branch 
of the training. 
Material, of the same type as that of the field equipment of the photo-inter- 
preting organization in question, is chiefly used in this training. 
The instruction is illustrated by drawings and large-scale pictures of war 
material such as ships, aircraft, tanks and other vehicles, guns and emplacements 
of various kinds, etc. seen as obliques at different angles and perspectives. Simi- 
lar material is then shown in negative and positive slides, and afterwards in 
large-scale reconnaissance photographs, both single and stereo. 
Then follows the analysis of aerial photos of different types, with such 
material, even colored photographs, in full combat scale. 
During the last few years, models of both material and terrain have been 
taken more and more into use for teaching. Large sums of money and very 
much work have been devoted to producing realistic models of this kind, based 
on ground and aerial photographs. Into perfect terrain models, material details 
are then inserted—such as emplacements and tanks and self-propelled guns, 
etc. in their correct tactical connections—after which they are photographed in 
the desired perspective—with or without color—in various conditions of light- 
ing. In this way one gets excellent "reconnaissance photos," even in stereo, 
in a suitable scale for the stage of the training. 
Furthermore, it is of the greatest importance that the pupils have access 
to good. keys and guides on various special subjects with descriptions, for 
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