Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

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retical basis of the method with a series of exercises referring to the practical st 
employment of theoretical teaching. is 
In particular, the theoretical basis of the method should be based on the 
following teachings: P 
(a) photo interpretation gi 
(b) instrumental photo-restitution 
(c) graphic-numerical photo restitution $ 
(d) elements of photographic technique. 4 
The ideas to be imparted should tend to: 
(a) For the part relating to photo-interpretation give to each officer the SC 
necessary technical knowledge to interpret in aerial photos the characteristics of t 
the terrain under various morphological aspects, the vegetation, the hydrog- 
raphy, the works of man, such as roads of communication, main industries, t 
maritime and air installations, and all the skill of technical character which s 
must be borne in mind in the interpretation of aerial photographs revealing the 
activity of operating troops. e 
(b) For tbe part relating to instrumental photo-restitution. To enable of- r 
ficers to use simple instruments as stereoscopes and stereo-micrometers in order f 
to measure details of three dimensions, to construct or revise topographic maps. t 
To employ instruments for optic restitution including some of the complex in- I 
struments such as the Zeiss optical rectifier. To determine points by graphic 1 
radial triangulation and with the method of “aperture masks”, etc. To construct 
photographic mosaics. 
(c) For the part relating to graphic-numerical photo restitution. To teach | 1 
all the geometric characteristics concerning oblique and vertical photographs. | i 
To orient photographs with graphic and analytical methods. To determine the | | 
details of external orientation of the photographs through the variations of , 
scale, angular deformation, distortion of the inclination, the projective, proper- | 
ties of space, the vertex of pyramid (graphic solution with three of four given | 
points), the image of the horizon and the normal planes. To restitute points 
from the oblique by the Canadian grid, projectives, triangulars and azimuthal 
grids, calculating eventually the azimuthal angles and those of depression, or 
employ for the reconstruction projective properties in the plane (bi-ratio-pers- 
pectivity). To reconstruct points from vertical photographs by intersection and 
radial triangulation and the spatial triangle (radial determination ,Santoni"). 
To accomplish linear measurements by the scale of oblique photographs and the 
scale of vertical photographs and measurements of altitude with the method of 
height-distortion and with the method of the shadows, speed measurements of 
ships and depth-measurements of sea bottoms. 
(d) For the part relative to the elements of photographic technique. To 
introduce sensitive materials of various kinds, procedure for developing and 
printing, use of special instruments for the reproduction and printing of nega- 
tives, the principal types of aero-photographic cameras, etc. | 
The practical basis of the method should, on the other hand, teach the of- | 
ficers to synthesize relations and draw conclusion from the analytical obser- 
vations gathered during the interpretation of the individual photographs and to | 
prepare clearly ordered graphics. Many field exercises should also be established | 
for the double purpose of comparing with the terrain the data and descriptions | 
obtained from the mere examination of the photographs and of visiting exten-

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