Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

ereo photo- coming increasingly important in Canada and elsewhere, particularly in engi- | 
dian Topo- neering for airports and roads, and in ground water studies. | 
:rlal photo- Photo interpretation in engineering geology has resulted in the economic | 
nearly four exploitation of water power sites which otherwise might not have been devel- ||] 
oyal Cana- il 
€ on file in EEE . EE i | | 
large areas 
> been con- 
e detail for 
opographic | 
photos are | 
| have been 
e. With the 
tific instal- 
tional Air- 
ll negatives 
of the Pro- 
its and the 
en a major 
arly in the 
Mines and 
ng geology. 
| Technical 
est user of 
ned above, 
- of photo- 
r to about 
th airphoto 
ade of this | Fig. 1. Margaree Area, Nova Scotia. 
ca | Bedrock Synclinal fold in lower Pennsylvanian strata: The massive sandstone 
ed that the members stand out prominently, though actual outcrops are confined 
rly zero in to stream beds. 
ield, but it | Pleistocene An elevated sea beach can be traced around the coastline and up the 
| use is ab- river valley: an old harbour mouth bar can also be seen on the wést 
edito im- side of the river valley with a large sand and gravel pit showing due 
ee . south from the northern end of the highway bridge. These features 
engineering are approximately 200 feet above present sea level. Scale 1" — 1 mile 
(1/63,360). Gov. of Nova Scotia Photo 
tail is con- ; 
, as glacial | oped for many years. The latest to be announced publicly is the Bersimis (River 
f superfic- Canyon) in the Province of Quebec. Some work has also been done on the 
ly compre- power sites adjacent to the new iron ore developments in Newfoundland Labra- 
n which so | dor. The geological aspects of many of the sites are clearly shown in photos and 
a matter of problems of construction are often anticipated and partially solved before 
logy is be- ground work is even begun. 

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