Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

Having the pairs of stereoscopic pictures, formed by using special photo- 
grammetric apparatuses, exact measuring and reconstruction of sculptures, 
churches and monuments is fairly possible. 
This method is, however, not at all satisfactory in the case of statues: the 
plotting of photogrammetric pairs is a technical process not an artistic one: 
these will always be lacking the touch of the genius in the reconstruction of 
the masterpiece; the special patina that time gives to it, is also impossible to 
be reproduced. 
For architectural buildings the matter is very different: the photogram- 
metric method consents the reconstruction, entering into the smallest details, 
of every portion of the photographed structures: it is often possible to draw 
up stones from original caves. Monuments can be exactly repaired and brought 
to be what they were; particulars and general effects of the original conception 
and style are fully conserved. 
The patina, too, can be obtained applying modern methods of industrial 
In the atomic age, now always increasing, all famous monuments can be 
dissolved at any time. 
We think that in our time it is necessary to bring greater Nations to an 
accord for the constitution of an International Archives of Photogrammetric 
Series of Architectural Masterpieces. 
The LA.P.S.A.M. should be placed in a far and sure country, known 
the world over, and contributions of single Nations, and of U.N.O., or 
U.N.E.S.C.O., should consent to assemble quickly national series of notable 
monuments of every age. 
The reconstruction or the restoration of them should be easy, knowing 
their characters and measures by means of the plates; the I.A.P.S.A.M. could 
be also a centre for a perfected study of the human progress in architecture. 
An animated discussion concerning the best way to realize the suggestion 
Mr. Schermerborn pointed out that this was not an internationally tech- 
nical question but something that each country ought to attend to itself, under- 
lining at the same time the great importance of the matter for history of culture. 
He suggested that the Italian delegation should inform the UNECSO. Mr. 
Fagerbolm suggested that the commission and thus also the congress should bring 
out clearly that non-topographic photogrammetry from a technical point of 
view could actively contribute to the collecting of reconstruction material. Mr. 
Sandeman made a similar proposition suggesting that the congress should advise 
the UNESCO to take up the question. Mr. Reading proposed that the question 
should be roused in the UNESCO by the American representatives there. After 
further discussion it was decided that the question should be treated in the reso- 
lution, a suggestion which had been made by the president of the commission 
already in his commentaries after having read Mr. Belfiore's paper, further that 
the question should be brought before the UNESCO by the Italian Society of 
Photogrammetry through the UNESCO representatives of Italy and unoffici- 
ally by the International Society of Photogrammetry through the American 
UNESCO representatives, and that each country should also inform their 
UNESCO delegations on the matter. 
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