Full text: Proceedings of the Congress (Part 1)

IIIH1— 27 
III HO 2— 28 
III H 3—174 
mu— 83 
III 12— 83 
III M 1 — 175 
III R 1 — 241 
III R 2 — 249 
III S 1 — 239 
III V 2 — 25 
IIIW3— 81 
III Z 1 — 172 
Part 4 b 
IV F 1 — 254 
IV G 1 — 289 
IV H 1 — 256 
IV 11 — 34 
IV K 1 — 288 
B. Hallert, Sweden: Über die Fehlertheorie der Aerotriangulation und ein- 
zelner Bildpaare. 
B. Hallert—L. Ottoson, Sweden: Error distribution in aerial triangulation 
strips after application of the principles of numerical corrections and simple 
coordinate transformation procedures. 
U. V. Helava, Canada: Use of infrared oblique photographs in aerial 
Institut Géographique National, France: Compte rendu des travaux ef 
fectués par l’I.G.N. pour l’essai contrôlé n° 1. 
Institut Géographique National, France: Méthodes de détermination du 
canevas de restitution des cartes à petite échelle. 
G. Masserano, Italy: Adjustment of a solar triangulation by Roelofs’ 
K. Rinner, Austria: Eine allgemeine analytische Losung des Folgebild- 
R. Roelofs, Netherlands: The future of radial triangulation. 
G. H. Schut, Canada: Analytical aerial triangulation and comparison be 
tween it and instrumental aerial triangulation. 
A. Verdin—E. Moreau, Belgium: Travaux et recherches dans le domaine 
du cheminement aérien. 
P. Vermeir, Belgium: Le transfert de l'orientation absolue en cheminement 
A. J. van der Weele, Netherlands: Rational adjustment of blocks of aerial 
J. Zarzycki, Canada: Application of Shoran to establish horizontal control 
for photogrammetric mapping of inaccessible areas. 
Commission IV 
R. Finsterwalder, Germany: Kartographische Erforschung extremer Hoch 
gebirge mittels Photogrammetrie. 
S. Gamble, Canada: Mapping the island of Newfoundland. 
N. Hagberg, Sweden: Methods of using aerial photographs for mapping 
purposes in forests of the State and of some big forest companies in 
Institut Géographique National (B. Dubuisson), France: Essai de levé ur 
bain au 1/2000 (Commune de Donzy). 
H. Kasper, Switzerland: Gedanken zur Anwendung der Photogrammetrie 
in der kleinmasstäblichen Kartographie.

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