Lit.: W. Kick. Die Aufnahme des Chogo-Lungma. Bildmessung und Luftbild
wesen, 1955, S. 10—15.
5. Ras Dedschen Gebirge in Hochsemien, Äthiopien.
Lit.: H. Hillebrand. Terrestrisch-photogrammetrische Aufnahmen in Äthio
pien, 1954. Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen, 1954, S. 85—89.
6. Everest Massiv im Himalaya. Aufgenommen 1955 durch Erwin Schneider,
Es folgt noch eine Diskussion der Möglichkeiten, die Luftphotogrammetrie für
Ähnliche Aufgaben einzusetzen. Eine sehr hochstehende Luftbildinterpretation
kann dabei die Vorteile der terrestrischen Photogrammetrie ersetzen.
Cartographic Research of Extreme High Mountains by Photogrammetry
Classical methods of topography and cartography give only insufficient possibilities for the
survey of extremely high mountains, but photogrammetry enables us to elaborate also in such
cases exact contour plans and good maps of regions not surveyed until now. In collaboration
with other branches of science especially geography, geology and glaciology highly valuable results
have been reached in the center of which lies photogrammetry. From the methodical point of
view it is remarkable, that in most cases chiefly terrestrial photogrammetry has been used until
now. Earlier this method was employed in the above mentioned collaboration in the Pamirs,
Himalayas, Nanga Parbat, Kanchendzönga and the Cordilleras of Peru and Bolivia. Since 1952
chiefly the following research work was executed:
1. Mount Rainier 4 400 m in N.W. USA by Dr. Hofmann, Munich and American scientists,
map 1: 25 000.
2. Cordillera Blanca, especially Huascaran-group, Prof. Kinzl and Dr. Hofmann, map 1:25 000.
3. Hunza-Karakorum, survey by K. Heckler and Dr. Pillewizer, map still in preparation 1:50 000,
extremely wild high-mountain range up to 8 000 m.
4. Chogo-Lungma-Glacier in Karakorum, Dipl. Ing. W. Kick, map still in preparation 1:25 000.
5. Ras Dedschen mountains in High-Semia, Ethiopia surveyed by Hillebrand, Munich, map still
in preparation 1:50 000.
6. Mount Everest-group in the Himalaya, survey by Dipl. Ing. E. Schneider.
All this research work was aided by the intense teamwork and cooperation of photogrammetry,
geography, glaciology, geology and morphology. The chief results were exact and detailed maps
which form the base and an important part also of the other scientific results.
For the future it is desirable to use more aerial photogrammetry than hitherto. In this field a
great help should come from an intensive aerial interpretation of high quality.
Prof. A. Marussi, Italy, made some additional remarks in connection with Discussion.
Prof. Finsterwalder’s lecture. He spoke of the Karakorum Expedition of 1909
with its extensive photogrammetric survey of the upper part of the Baltoro
Glacier. This was, Prof. Marussi thought, the first application of photogram
metry in exploratory expedition on high mountains. He also recalled the ex
pedition in 1926 in the Aghil Ranges, in 1928 again in the Karakorum and
the Italian K 2 Karakorum Expedition in 1954. The photogrammetric survey
of this last-mentioned expedition is unpublished as yet, but some maps were
shown at the Congress Exhibition.
La premiere application de la photogram métrie aux explorations en haute montagne était
probablement en 1909, lors de l’expédition Karakorum. Des opérations similaires ont été effectuées
entre 1926 et 1928. Les résultats des travaux italiens dans le Karakorum en 1954 ne sont pas
encore publiés, mais des cartes en sont montrées à l’exposition du Congrès.
Dr. Ilärry, Switzerland, made the following comment: In Frage der terrestri
schen Photogrammetrie und Luftphotogrammetrie für Hochgebirgsaufnahmen
ist aus schweizerischen Erfahrung mitzuteilen, dass die Luftphotogrammetrie
in jeder Beziehung wirkungsvoller ist. Für die terrestrische Photogrammetrie
spricht nur dass das Forschungsunternehmen oft nicht über die nötigen Flug
zeuge und anderen Mittel verfügt. Dazu kommt das menschliche Moment, dass
für den Bergsteiger und Naturfreund terrestrische Triangulation und Photo
grammetrie Poesie ist, die Luftphotogrammetrie Prosa. Das ändert aber nichts
an der grossen Leistungsfähigkeit der Luftphotogrammetrie.