Mr. Janicot agreed that the resolution proposed by the French delegation
be treated as a recommendation.
Mr. S. Gamble, Canada, proposed a recommendation that scales smaller than
1:50 000 should also be included in the experimental work carried out by
commission IV.
The president agreed that there was a great interest in still smaller scales
than 1:50 000 especially in underdeveloped countries. Therefore it would be
a very fruitful and worthy field of investigation by commission IV. He would
like to formulate Col. Gamble’s recommendation as follows: »It is recommended
that in the future Commission IV give some attention and exercise some activity
in the investigations and experiences and tests if necessary, in scales of mapping
smaller than 1/50 000 getting into the order of 1/250 000.
Gen. Ilurault, France, thought it not advisable to start practical experiments
of mapping in the scales of 1: 250 000 because the control work would be too
expensive and comprehensive.
After some further discussion all agreed to the recommendation by Col.
Gamble as above.
The following resolutions were accepted at the session to be submitted to
the General Assembly:
1. Commission IV will continue experimental work in cooperation with in
terested organizations. Such work will embrace both fundamental and
practical problems.
2. The President of Commission IV will name as soon as possible the Presidents
of subcommissions IV—1, IV—2 and IV—3.
3. The Presidents of subcommissions will contact the participants as soon as
possible to establish a tentative program Avhich will be discussed between
them at special meetings held in Europe and America.
4. Reports on experimental work must be completed and submitted by par
ticipants one year before the next Congress so that the last year may be
devoted to analysis of results.
5. An interim general meeting of Commission IV should be organized at a con
venient time.
Résolutions de la Commission IV
1. La Commission IV continuera les travaux expérimentaux en collaboration
avec les organisations intéressées. Ils comprendront à la fois les problèmes
fondamentaux et pratiques.
2. Le Président de la Commission IV nommera aussitôt que possible, les
Présidents des sous-Commissions IV—1, IV—2 et IV—3.
3. Les Présidents des sous-Commissions prendront contact avec les participants
aussitôt que possible pour établir un programme provisoire des travaux
expérimentaux qui sera discuté entre eux à une réunion spéciale tenue en
Europe et en Amérique.
4. Les rapports sur les travaux expérimentaux doivent être terminés et soumis
par les participants, une année avant le prochain Congrès; de cette façon
la dernière année sera consacrée à l’analyse des résultats.
5. Une conférence générale de la Commission IV sera organisée au moment
opportun entre les deux Congrès.