L. Lindskog: Der Aus
schuss für forstliche
(Pubi. VI L 2)
»Der Ausschuss fiir forstliche Photogrammetrie», L. Lindskog, Schweden.
Der Ausschuss ist im Jahre 1955 als freistehendes Organ eingerichtet. Seine
Aufgabe ist, solche Fragen zu behandeln und klarzustellen, die mit der Ver
wendung des Flugbildes in dem schwedischen Forstbetrieb Zusammenhängen.
Der Ausschuss ist von dem Fonds für forstliche Forschung eingerichtet worden.
Dieser Fonds finanziert auch die Tätigkeit des Ausschusses.
Im Ausschuss haben verschiedene staatliche und private Fächer des Forst
betriebs ihre Vertreter. Auch Behörden mit grösserer photogrammetrischer
Tätigkeit sind da repräsentiert.
Der Ausschuss hat eine Arbeitsgruppe, die vorläufig aus drei Beamten mit
Ausbildung von Hochschulen besteht, von denen einer Vorsteher und Schrift
führer ist. Ausserdem gibt es einen Assistenten ohne forstliches Hochschule-
Examen und gelegentliche Arbeitskraft für Bearbeiten und Bureaugeschäfte.
Das Arbeitsprogramm enthält Versuchs- und Forschungstätigkeit, Ausbildung
und Auskunft nebst qualifizierter Hilfe von beschränktem Umfang.
The Committee of Forest Photogrammetry
The Committee is an independent body established in 1955 and has the task to deal with and
settle questions concerning the utilization of air photos in Swedish forestry. The Committee was
set up by the Fund for Forest Research which also finances its work. The Committee consists of
representatives of different public and private branches of forestry and also representatives of
some governmental departments with large photogrammetric activity.
The Committee has a working group consisting of three officials with academic training. One
of these is Manager and Secretary. Further there is an amanuensis and occasional employees for
routine and office work. The working programme comprises experimental and research work, infor
mation and training and in some instances the service of competent persons.
D. Landen: New
Developments in Photo
grammetric Training
for Geologists.
(Publ. VI LI)
Herr D. Landen war leider verhindert, seinen Vortrag »New Developments
in Photogrammetric Training for Geologists» zu halten. Der Titel des Vor
trages war von dem Präsidenten der Kommission gelesen.
Within the U. S. Geological Survey many geologists have been applying cer
tain photogrammetric techniques and using some of the less elaborate photo
grammetric instruments in geologic mapping problems since 1930. Also, photo
geology has been used in field and office procedures for many years although
the refinements in techniques and equipment are of more recent origin. The
present emphasis on training many geologists in photogrammetry is broadening
their understanding of these techniques with an excellent effect. The most effec
tive approach in introducing photogrammetric techniques for the first time is an
introduction to the fundamentals of photogrammetry and a familiarization with
the most widely used stereoplotting instruments; it is also important to convey
a knowledge of their limitations.
Several factors contributed to the adoption of these training programs for
Survey geologists. One of these is, of course, the practical nature of photogram
metry itself. The most compelling reasons, however, are the expanding require
ments for geologic mapping in recent years and the need for more detailed
mapping. In addition, it is believed that, as much of the national economy was
dependent on the search for minerals and fuels, and we had on hand many new
instruments and techniques brought about by research in recent years, these
instruments could be applied to the task. There are also unique organizational
advantages in the Geological Survey which facilitated this training program.
As a means of expediting joint efforts towards more efficient utilization of
photogrammetric techniques in geology, the Chief Topographic Engineer and
the Chief Geologist formed, in 1953, an Interdivision Committee on Photogram-
metric Techniques in Geology. As the work of the committee progressed, it
became clear that training in the fundamentals of photogrammetry was one of
the most pressing needs. It was decided to set up a ten-day training period in