Full text: Proceedings of the Congress (Part 1)

1. Wild Heerbrugg Ltd. 
Heerbrugg, Switzerland 
A. J. Schmidheini 
M. Ivreis 
T. K. Oettli 
Professor H. Kasper 
Dr. A. Semadeni 
The new super wide-angle »Super Aviogon» f/5.6 cam 
era lens. 
Fully Automatic Aerial Cameras 
The Wild RC5a aerial film camera, Wild RC8 aerial 
film camera (for installation in small aircraft), Wild 
RC7a aerial plate camera, all for use with the Aviotar, 
Aviogon, Infratar, and Infragon high-power lenses. 
Instruments for Terrestrial Photogrammetry 
Phototheodolites, stereometric cameras. 
Plotting Instruments 
Wild A7 precision autograph with electric coordinate 
printer, Wild A8 stereoplotter, Wild A9 super wide- 
angle autograph, Wild A4 police autograph, Wild 
RTl radial-triangulator, Wild ST3 folding mirror 
stereoscope with stereometer. 
Demonstration of IBM electronic computing equip 
ment in connection with Wild A7 autograph and 
coordinate printer. 
Photographic Instruments 
Wild YGl enlarger with new Wild-Reprogon high 
power lens, Wild U3 diapositive printer, developing 
and drying equipment for film, developing equipment 
for plates. 
Geodetic Instruments 
Theodolites (for tacheometry, geodetics, astronomy), 
reduction tacheometers, levels. 
Activities and Products 
Fully Automatic Aerial Cameras 
Wild RC5a, Wild RC8, and Wild RC7a. The Wild 
RC9 aerial film camera for super wide-angle photo 
graphy, fitted with the new Super Aviogon, is in 
course of production. 
Instruments for Terrestrial Photogrammetry 
Phototheodolites, stereometric cameras.

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