Full text: Proceedings of the Congress (Part 1)

Plotting Instruments 
Wild A7 with electric coordinate printer, Wild A8, 
Wild A9, Wild A4, and Wild RTl radial-triangulator. 
A precision stereocomparator will be on the market 
soon. Power steering with a control stick will soon 
be available for the A7 autograph. 
Photographic Instruments 
VGl precision enlarger, U3 diapositive printer, de 
veloping and drying equipments. 
A new rectifier, the E3, equipped with the Reprogon 
is at present being designed. 
Other Instruments 
Theodolites, reduction tacheometers, levels, optical 
instruments for military use and for laboratories, 
microscopes, drawing instruments. 
Swedish Representative 
Instrumentfirma W. Kriszat AB, 
Kungsgatan 7 V , Stockholm 
2. Zeiss-Aerotopograph GMBH 
57 Ismaninger Strasse, München 27, Germany 
Dr. E. 0. Messter 
Prof. Dr. K. Schwidefsky 
W. A. Brucklacher 
Dr. R. Herminghaus 
H. Deker 
H. Traeger 
H. Bischoff 
RMK 21/18 Aerial Survey Camera, negative size 
18X18 cm., equipped with 210 mm. f4 Zeiss-Topar 
Lens and Zeiss Aerotop Shutter. 
2 X RMK 21/18 Convergent Camera. Camera unit 
consisting of two individual RMK 21/18 cameras with 
shutter synchronization, combined in a special suspen 
sion mount. Angle of convergence 30°. 
Wide-angle Aerial Survey Cameras with Pleogon Lens 
RMK 11. 5/18 for 18X18 cm. negatives; focal length 
115 mm. 
RMK 15/23 for 9"x9" negatives; focal length 6". 
IRU Universal Intervalometer with large viewfinder 
and continuously variable overlap setting from 20 to 
90 per cent. 
Infrared attachments to be used with standard optical 
equipment of Zeiss Mapping Cameras. 
LUZ Aero-Sketchmaster for the completion and cor 
rection of existing maps on the basis of aerial photo 
SEG V Rectifier. Auto-focusing rectifier for the ec 
onomical compilation of photo-plans on the basis of 
aerial photographs up to a negative size of 9"X9". 
Calculators with electronic control automatically ful- 
fill the perspective condition, so that only three orien 
tation settings are required. 
RS I Radial Secator. Two-story slot cutter for mechani 
cal radial triangulation by the slotted templet method. 
RS II Radial Secator. Simple slot cutter. 
Pocket Stereoscope, Mirror Stereoscope with Tracing 
stereometer, OV Stereoscope; Oblique viewing mirror 
Stereotope. Handy stereo-plotter for the compilation of 
topographic maps to small and medium scales. 
C 8 Stereoplanigraph. High-precision photogrammetric 
plotting instrument of universal applicability, with 
coordinate printing counter. Especially suited for aerial 
triangulation and large-scale precision mapping. Can 
be used for vertical, convergent, and oblique photo 
graphs as well as terrestrial picture pairs. 
FE 120 Film Developing Outfit, KG 30 Contact Prin 
Reductor. Precision ratio printer for the photographic 
elimination of distortion in mapping photographs and 
transformation to the required distortion values. At 
the same time exact scale modifications are possible. 
Activities and Products 
Since the production of photogrammetric instruments 
was resumed in 1949 in the new West German Carl 
Zeiss Works, the manufacturing range of Zeiss-Aero 
topograph of Munich has been greatly increased. 
Among other instruments Zeiss-Aerotopograph makes 
the well-known C 8 Stereoplanigraph, the RS I Radial 
Secator, the SEG V Rectifier and the Stereotope. 
In 1951 the high-performance, normal-angle 210 mm. 
f4 Zeiss Topar Lens initiated series production of the 
RMK 21/18 camera, and now the high-performance 
f5.6 Zeiss Pleogon lens has become available for wide- 
angle photography. Its maximum distortion does not 
exceed ± 4 microns. 
For large-scale precision mapping, the 2 X RMK 
21/18 has been designed. The applications of Zeiss- 
Aerotopograph plotting equipment have been further 
enlarged by the creation of the Reductor, a precision 
ratio printer. 
In addition to developing photogrammetric instru 
ments, Zeiss-Aerotopograph and their scientific and 
technical staff have always maintained close contact 
with the photogrammetric practice, and have exercised 
an important influence on the development of working 
Swedish Representative 
Nordiska Instrument, Riddaregatan 16, Stockholm Ô 
2. Carl Zeiss. 
Oberkochen/Wiirtt., Germany 
Geodetic instruments.

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