Full text: Proceedings of the Congress (Part 1)

Stereo autograph: all-automatic plotting instrument 
of first order for line-by-line evaluation of photograms 
up to 13 X18 cm. 
Mirror stereoscope with tracing stereometer, for ob 
serving and interpreting aerial and X-ray photographs 
up to 30X30 cm. 
Stereo pantometer: mirror stereoscope with tracing 
stereometer having parallel guide. 
Camera Lucida (Sketch Master): auxiliary instrument 
for the completion of maps. 
»SEG I» rectifier: for converting oblique aerial photos 
into strictly vertical photographs, and for the produc 
tion of airphoto plans (mosaics). 
Stereo planigraph: steroscopic plotting machine of first 
order for the automatic plotting of air photographs 
taken in any direction and for aero-triangulation. 
11. Survey 
The »Ni 060» for building-sites. 
The »Ni 030» for surveying work of engineering class. 
The »Ni 004» for precision levelling. 
The »030» tacheometer theodolite for surveying work 
where a mean error of up to ± 15 cc is permissible. 
The »010» seconds theodolite, a precision theodolite 
for second-order triangulations, precision traversing, 
and astronomical closures. 
Reducing tacheometers: 
The »Dahlta 020», a universal instrument for topo 
graphy and engineering tacheometry with vertical 
The »Redta», a universal instrument for precision 
In addition to the above the exhibit includes also 
other types of instruments, for instance: 
The »Karti 250» plotting table for semi-automatic 
plotting of ground points surveyed by the polar coor 
dinate method. 
The »Teletop»: topographic-tacheometric distance me 
ter with base in the station point. 
Activities and Products 
Astronomical instruments: refractors, reflecting tele 
scopes, transits, spectrographs, coelostats, planetaria. 
Microscopes for biological, medical, and metallo- 
graphic examination. 
Medical instruments: operating-room illuminants, col- 
poscopes, electrophoresis equipment. 
Opto-physical instruments: refractometers, photome 
ters, spectrographs, interferometers. 
Technical precision instruments for measuring lengths, 
screw-threads, gears, and alignments. 
Projection instruments: epidiascopes, portable film- 
projectors, X-ray screen-image camera, X-ray dia- 
Photographic lenses, prism binoculars, opera glasses, 
ophthalmological equipment, magnifiers, ophthalmic 
lenses, photo cells, grey wedges, special lenses, dynam 
ic lifting scales. 
9. Italian Participation. 
Officine Galileo 
Via Carlo Bini 44, Firenze, Italy 
Dr. Eng. H. C. E. Santoni 
Prof. Dr. G. Giotti 
E. Viti 
G. Ledivelec 
Dr. G. Masserano 
Restitutors of 1st, 2nd and 3rd order 
Aerial and terrestrial cameras 
Surveying projects for various purposes 
Special restitution projects 
Activities and Products 
Topographical and photogrammetrical instruments, 
special-purpose optical instruments, cameras, high- 
vacuum devices, electrical measuring instruments, 
electrodiagnostic instruments, special electronic instru 
ments and installations, textile looms. 
Swedish Representative 
Forsners AB, Birger Jarlsgatan 32, Stockholm O 
Ottico Meccanica Italiana 
e Rilevamenti Aerofotogrammetrici S.p.A., 
Via della Vasca Navale 81, Roma, Italy 
U. Nistri 
Dr. P. E. Nistri 
Dr. G. Parenti 
Dr. IT. Bartorelli 
F. Bagliani 
1st, 2nd and 3rd order plotters 
Aerial cameras 
Surveying projects for various purposes 
Activities and Products 
Air survey cameras and plotters, planimetric and 
panoramic cameras for aerophotography, watts-hour 
meters, computors for gasoline and oil distributors, 
diesel injection spares, panel instruments for air navi 
gation, training apparatus and instruments, camera- 
guns, taximeters and parking meters, topographic in 
struments, optical precision products, 16 mm. sound- 
film projectors. 
Swedish Representative 
Gullbrand Sandgren, Trollhattegatan 10, Goteborg

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