11. PSC Applied Research Limited.
1500 O'Connor Drive, Toronto 16, Canada
D. J. Dalzell
D. S. Ross
G. Schmidt
Type T 301 Gamble Stereo Plotter
Type T 246 Mk 3 Automatic Tri-Film Processor
Type T 232 Mk 7 Instrumentation Camera
Activities and Products
Before each product was produced by PSC Applied
Research Limited there was a specific problem. Solving
these problems, using electronic or mechanical means
or a combination of both, has resulted in an impressive
list of instruments and equipment successfully engi
neered and carried into final production. This list in
cludes aerial survey equipment such as cameras, ra
dioactivity detectors, electromagnetometer detectors,
airborne profile recorders, microwave path test equip
ment, radar equipment and aerial navigation equip
ment. Much has been done on processing and data
reduction equipment for the air survey industry and
defense requirements. An automatic film processor
and printer has filled a long-waited need. Automatic
control equipment for aircraft—ice-shedding control
systems, rocket-firing intervalometers, armament con
trols, gyro-stabilized platforms—have brought pres
tige and recognition. Miscellaneous items include 35
mm. recording cameras with electrical programming
control, camera intervalometers, positional and rate
servo mechanisms, analog computers, specialized opti
cal applications, the fabrication of microwave plumb
ing and the production of test equipment for all major
12. Svenska Sallskapet for Fotogrammetri.
(The Swedish Society for Photogrammetry)
Fôrsvarsstaben, Stockholm 90, Sweden
13. Williamson Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
22 Litchfield Gardens, Willesden Green,
London N.W. 10, England
J. E. Odle
J. G. Hunter
Williamson large scale plotter, Type L.S.P.
This is a new projection plotting instrument which
fills the gap between expensive first-order machines
and equipment designed primarily for small and me
dium scale work.
Williamson Ross Multiplex mapping equipment. Type
This light, simple 3-projector frame assembly is a good
instrument for taking off topography.
Williamson Eagle 9 Mk.2 air survey camera
The standard survey camera.
Williamson Eagle 10 air survey camera
The Jackson Stereoscopic Projector
Makes the 3rd dimension available in illustrated
Activities and Products
Williamsons offer a complete range of precision air
survey instruments. All units, from the air camera to
the Multiplex projectors, are carefully matched by
individual calibration. Backed by forty years’ experi
ence, Williamsons have always been early in the field
with new developments. Williamson air survey cam
eras and mapping equipment incorporate the latest
scientific and technical aids.
The parent firm in England and its subsidiary in
Canada are represented throughout the world.
Swedish Representative
Aero Material AB, Lastmakaregatan 24, Stockholm C
14. Mapping and Charting Research Labo
Institute of Geodesy, Photogrammetry,
and Cartography
The Ohio State University, Columbus 10, Ohio, USA
Professor F. J. Doyle
The exhibit comprises three sections of experimental
charts. Section I shows patterns of relief obtained in
diversified terrain by dividing ground SLOPES into
four discrete ZONES and showing them in four grey
tones. The potential of the system as a relief base
for aeronautical charts is demonstrated. Section II
represents a sheet of four varieties of an experimental
aeronautical strip chart in which hypsometric tints
are used in a new way. They show relative elevations
related to a VALLEY SURFACE instead of to sea
level. Explanatory profiles are included. Section III
shows combinations of slope zones with other topo
graphical information.
Activities and Products
The Mapping and Charting Research Laboratory per
forms contract research in the geodetic sciences for
various governmental and private agencies. The Insti
tute of Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography
offers course work leading to undergraduate and grad
uate degrees in geodetic science. Both organizations
are within the Ohio State University at Columbus,