Full text: Proceedings of the Congress (Part 1)

Activities and Products 
Aero Service Corporation, founded in 1919, is a world 
wide aerial mapping and exploration company. 
Aero’s services include aerial photography, photo 
mosaics, planimetric and topographic maps, and relief 
maps, it uses Shoran and radar altimeter. Its geophy 
sical services include airborne magnetometer, electro 
magnetic detector, and scintillation counter surveys. 
Aero speeds resources inventories and development of 
natural resources on a broad scale. Other uses are high 
way design, city planning and engineering, timber typ 
ing, railroad and power line location, stockpile inven 
tories, mining development maps, photo-geologic 
studies, photo interpretation for engineering purposes. 
38. Fairchild Aerial Surveys, Inc. 
224 East Eleventh Street, Los Angeles 15, Calif., USA 
M. B. Davis 
The exhibit consists of a representation of how the 
airborne geophysical division operates. 
A model airplane passes over a constantly-changing 
representation of underground geology and recording 
devices reproduce the records actually made in the 
air by airborne geophysical instruments. Side panels 
on the exhibit show the aerial survey operations. 
Activities and Products 
Fairchild Aerial Surveys, Inc. are photogrammetric en 
gineers. Fairchild has been operating on a world-wide 
basis since 1924, making aerial surveys, topographic 
maps, cadastral maps, and airborne geophysical sur 
veys. Many map-making techniques were pioneered 
by Fairchild, including the slotted templet method of 
radial line control. They were among the first to make 
geophysical surveys with the airborne magnetometer 
and the airborne scintillation counter. 
39. Klimsch & Co. 
Frankfurt/Main, Germany 
Swedish Representative 
AB Maskinaffaren Pehrsson & Co 
Vasagatan 40 
40. Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget (SAAB) 
Linköping, Sweden 
E. Auby 
Photographic display showing the Saab-91 Safir all- 
metal light plane in its role as a mapping aircraft. Of 
special interest should be the pictures showing the 
camera installation and some samples from aerial 
mapping flights in Ecuador. 
Activities and Products 
Formed in 1937, the Saab Aircraft Company is to-day 
one of Europe’s largest privately owned aircraft man 
ufacturers, with approx. 6,300 employees. The com 
pany, which operates factories at Linköping, Troll- 
hättan, Göteborg, Jönköping, and Södertälje, devotes 
most of its resources to the development and produc 
tion of high performance military aircraft, but Saab 
is also producing civil aircraft (the Saab-Safir, as 
shown in photographs at the exhibition) and a small 
41. Hoh & Hahne Hohlux GmbH. 
Ludwigstrasse 53, Offenbach/Main 
A. Linke 
The TYPOFOT photo-composing apparatus for mak 
ing positives of titles and figures on photochemical 
plates, films, and bromide paper, and for printing in 
names and the like on maps, cadastral plans, street 
and town plans, and the like. 
The KARTOLUX text printer for making positive 
text originals (film or glass diapositives) up to the size 
of 55 X 65 cm. 
Activities and Products 
Hoh & Hahne Hohlux GmbH, Offenbach/Main, is 
one of the oldest and best known German producers 
of machines, apparatus, and material for reproduction. 
Hoh & Hahne products include reproduction appa 
ratus and accessories, cabinet driers, contact printers 
and montage apparatus, whirlers and accessories, print 
ing frames and accessories, lamps, etching machines, 
and other chemigraphic equipment. 
42. Gevaert Photo-Producten N.V. 
Septestraat 27, Mortsel (Antwerp), Belgium 
L. Thiriar 
Panels showing photographs on Gevaert photogram 
metric and topographic material. 
Activities and Products 
Special sensitized material for all photogrammetric and 
topographic purposes; also a complete range of film, 
plates, paper, and chemicals for all photographic and

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