Full text: Proceedings of the Congress (Part 1)

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cinematographic, graphic, medical, technical, and 
scientific purposes. Gevacolor film (negative, positive, 
reversal, still and cine), and Gevacolor paper. 
Film Aviphot Pan 30 
» » 33 
» Infra Red 
» Gevacolor Negative 5 
Plates Aviphot Pan 30 
Diapositive Normal 
» Contrast 
Gunfilm Gevachrome 30 
16mm. Gevapan 27 
Gevapan 33 
Gevapan Reversal 
Paper Orthobrom 8 
Swedish Representative 
Gevaert Svenska AB, Hamngatan 24-, Stockholm C 
43. Aktiebolaget Original - Odhner. 
Gamlestadsvagen 18, Goteborg 1, Sweden 
Original-Odhner Tandem Calculator, Model 135. 
The tandem calculator is especially designed for polar 
measurements, polygon and intersection calculations. 
2 setting boards left and right 8 levers each 
2 result registers left and right 13 dials each 
proof register 8 dials 
Activities and Products 
The company has actively contributed to the develop 
ment in the sphere of adding and calculating machines. 
Its roots go back to 1874, when Willgodt T. Odhner 
invented a calculating machine which proved to be 
the first practical hand-operated commercial calcula 
tor. This calculator—but with many technical im 
provements and in modern tasteful shape—is still a 
product in great demand. 
Besides the standard model, special types are made 
with top-register, large capacity totals, and for tandem 
The Odhner adding machines are both of hand-oper 
ated and electric models. 
Odhner has a network of associate companies or 
distributors all around the world. West Germany and 
U. S. A. are the largest markets. 
44. LogEtronics Inc. 
500 East Monroe Avenue, Alexandria, Virg., USA 
G. Robert 
Examples of automation in photography. 
Activities and Products 
Development and research. 
46. Airborne Mapping, Ltd. AB. 
Lindhagensgatan 132, Stockholm K, Sweden 
Dr. P. Tham 
B. Gusterman 
45. Otto Fennel Söhne KG. 
Königstor 10, Kassel, Germany 
Light dumpy levels 
Light engineer’s levels 
Precision engineer’s levels 
Construction theodolites 
Universal theodolites 
Auto-reduction tacheometers 
The outstanding new one-second theodolite was not 
yet available for this exhibition. 
Activities and Products 
Otto Fennel Söhne have specialized in the manufac 
ture of survey instruments since 1851. The firm is 
among the leading suppliers in this field and have 
contributed notably to the development of modern 
well-styled surveying instruments. The auto-reduction 
tacheometer and the precision micrometer with micro 
scope reading are among the creations of Otto Fennel 
Söhne which have made modern survey work easier. 
Photogrammetry and forestry in Sweden: diagrams 
illustrating the aerial survey, photographs of various 
types. Photogrammetry for special purposes. 
Activities and Products 
Airborne Mapping, Ltd. AB began its activities in 
1952 and obtained Royal flying concession for air sur 
vey photography in 1954. The company is organized 
in close co-operation with AB Jordbruksflyg (The 
Agricultural Flying Company), which has developed 
the use of light aircraft in agriculture and forestry, 
and which does aerial prospecting in collaboration 
with Lundberg Explorations, Ltd. 
Airborne Mapping, Ltd. AB was organized to meet 
the need of up-to-date accurate maps for prospecting 
and forestry. 
47. Kjessler & Mannerstraie AB. 
Tyrgatan 7, Stockholm O, Sweden 
S. Thoren

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