Full text: Proceedings of the Congress (Part 1)

Page No. 
McNeil 288, 292 
Makar 276 
Marazio 198 
Marussi 153, 273 
Masserano 237 
Massie 351 
de Masson d’Autume 240, 250 
Mathieu 335, 351 
Meier 145 
Melton 323 
Merritt 293 
Mogensen 17, 30, 48, 80, 82 
Moreau 226 
Morris 326 
Mott 267 
Möller 47, 80, 274, 320 
Neumaier 78, 269, 310 
Neumann 290 
Nilson Hj 31 
Nistri 177 
Odencrants 27 
Odle 66, 82 
Olive 322 
Ording 175 
Orkild 328 
Ottoson 128, 195, 202 
Parenti 112, 140, 146, 148 
Poivilliers 179 
Powell 155 
Ray 324 
Reading ... ^ 80, 81, 82, 170, 214 
Reed 331 
Rehnlund 196 
Rinner 246 
Robertson 327 
Roelofs 249 
Rogers E 275, 319, 330, 346, 347, 351 
Rogers R 66, 82 
Ronca 294, 296 
Roscoe 322 
Rumboldt 270 
Santoni 182, 212 
Schermerhorn .. 80, 82, 169, 214, 232, 261, 266, 317, 318 
Scholl 257 
Page No. 
Schumacher 197 
Schut 243 
Schwidefsky 110, 118, 130, 181 
Scott 306 
Sigmark 204 
Simillon 107 
Simonsson 200 
Sokolova 283 
Soiaini 254 
Stickler 240 
Stoeckeler 339 
Stone 319 
Sutor 183, 221 
Tchang 36 
Tewinkel 128, 259 
Tham 126, 342, 345 
Thiriar 139 
Thompson 168, 170, 242, 244 
Thorén R 331, 338 
Thorén S 200 
Thunberg 344, 346 
Trombetti 205, 251 
Veenenboos 345 
Vegesack 337 
Verdin 219, 226, 232, 240 
Verlaine 41, 210, 212, 214, 232, 246 
Vermeir 216, 289 
Verstelle 158 
Visser 266 
Wadell 288 
Wang 81 
Wassef 129, 213, 219, 232, 240, 243, 281, 283 
Weele, van der 216, 225, 249 
Weir 298 
Welander 144, 145, 347, 352 
Whitmore 281 
Wild 186 
Wiser 76, 214, 216 
Witenstein 333 
Yonkler 293 
Young 339 
Yzerman 180 
Zarzycki 213, 223, 234 
Zeller 221, 229, 231

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