Full text: Proceedings of the Congress (Part 1)

from at least 10 members must have been sent in for a decision to be valid. If this 
number has not been attained the voting procedure may be repeated once. 
The Council shall be entitled to reject a proposal submitted to the vote if the majority 
of the Council consider the proposal to be of such importance that it must be submitted 
to a meeting of delegates or to a General Assembly. 
Comments of the Administration: 
There is an urgent need for rules for voting by mail. 
Projet de résolution No. 8/1956 
soumis au Ville Congrès International de Photogrammétrie par le Bureau exécutif de la SIP. 
Le Bureau propose que le paragraphe suivant soit ajouté aux statuts de la SIP jusqu’à ce que 
leur révision complète ait été sanctionnée à l’Assemblée Générale. 
Article 9 c. Durant l’intervalle qui sépare les congrès, un membre de la SIP ou un membre du 
Comité aura le droit d’envoyer des résolutions au Bureau exécutif et de demander que le projet 
ainsi soumis soit distribué aux membres de la SIP et mis aux voix. 30 jours après la date de l’envoi 
(par lettre recommandée par avion), les voix reçues par le Bureau seront comptées. Voix de dix 
membres au minimum seraient nécessaire pour qu’une décision ainsi obtenue soit considérée comme 
valide. Si le chiffre de dix voix n’a pas été atteint, le vote pourra être répété une fois. Le Comité 
aura le droit de rejeter une résolution si la majorité du Comité estime que la dite résolution est 
d’une telle importance qu’elle doit être soumise à une assemblée des délégués ou à une Assemblée 
Commentaires du Bureau exécutif: 
Il est de toute urgence que des règles soient établies pour le vote postal. 
Motion No. 9/1956 
to the VIII. International Congress of Photogrammetry from the Administration of the 
ISP that the General Assembly of the ISP at its VIII. Congress appoints a committee 
consisting of the president and secretary general for the period 1956—60, one council 
member from another country and one person from a third country and entrust them 
the task to revise the statutes of the ISP. The revision shall aim at giving the ISP an 
organization and the resources necessary for active work also between the congresses. 
The activities in question shall include e.g. international photogrammetric investigations, 
the editing and revision of a photogrammetric dictionary and bibliography and the 
publishing of a photogrammetric journal. It is foreseen that existing resources in different 
countries will be taken into consideration. 
Comments of the Administration: 
It has proved during the last 4-yearperiod that the statutes need a complete revision. 
We do not think it possible to make one alteration here and one there as the structure 
and volume of the ISP has changed a lot since its statutes were written. 
Among questions to be taken into consideration are e.g. 
1. The scope of the ISP. 
2. The Commission-organisation and their scopes. 
3. The rules for membership, inch that there may be more than one society from one 
4. The co-operation with other international organizations as OEEPE, UGGI, UNESCO 
etc. The co-operation between OEEPE and ISP are e.g. included in the statutes of the 
5. Organization within the ISP of e.g. experiment boards, editorial staff for the dic 
tionary, the bibliography, the journal etc. 
6. The keeping of the documents, transactions etc. of the ISP. (Now nothing is preserved 
of all the material from the work between the congresses, except what is printed in the 
7. The economy. How to secure funds necessary for an effective work, for printing 
purposes etc. How to calculate the fees for societies only partly interested in photogram 
metry. How to treat members not paying their fees. The economic and other limits between 
and responsibilities for the ISP and the local committee organizing the congress. 
8. The administration of the Brock medal. 
9. Motions, voting etc. 
We think it to be very essential that the committee consists of persons having been 
in close contact with the ISP-work during the last periods and willing to reserve much 
time for the work, which probably will result in a great correspondence. 
We assume that the committee will keep contact with former presidents etc. having a lot 
of experience in the matter. 
A first draft should be circulated not later than 1958, if there shall be any chance of 
having the final draft ready for consideration at the 1960-Congress.

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