Full text: Proceedings of the Congress (Part 1)

1. Since the polyglot dictionary is ready to be published, the Austrian Society 
of Photogrammetry is requested to start distribution on the conditions 
mentioned in the subscription pamphlet. 
2. The Board of Commission VI is requested to entrust the International 
Training Centre for Aerial Survey (I. T. C.) at Delft with the establishment 
of a bibliography of photogrammetry, in cooperation with the National 
Societies. The bibliography will be organised in accordance with the rules set 
forth by the new Board of Commission VI. The publication of each title and 
résumé will be either in English, French or German. 
3. Commission VI of the International Society for Photogrammetry shall 
encourage and assist schools and universities offering photogrammetric in 
struction to increase the proportion of basic sciences, mathematics, and electronic 
engineering in their curricula so that the photogrammetrists of the future may 
be better equipped to develop new methods for increasing the speed and 
accuracy of mapping procedures. 
The proposal was adopted without discussion. 
§ 7. The Chairman of Commission VII, C. G. Coleman, presented a draft 
resolution with the following three points: 
The work of Commission VII during the past reporting period has been 
concerned with assessing the rapid advances made by photographic inter 
pretation in its many fields of application. The growth of this science has 
reached a stage where the present commission reporting mechanism and the 
four-year reporting period are inadequate to maintain cognizance of the field. 
The resolutions proposed, therefore, at this time, are designed to improve the 
service rendered by Commission VII as an agency for the international exchange 
of information on photographic interpretation. 
1. Resolved: That a report summarising the activities in photographic 
interpretation on an international level be prepared annually by Commission 
VII, and published by the National Society of the country responsible for the 
2. Resolved: That Working Groups be set up under Commission VII to 
maintain cognizance of and report upon for example the following fields of 
application of photographic interpretation: 
Working Group No. 1 
Photography (availability of photo coverage, desirable photo specifications 
Working Group No. 2 
Photographic interpretation equipment and techniques. 
Working Group No. 3 
Interpretation of surface configuration, drainage, soils, geology. 
Working Group No. ^ 
Interpretation of vegetation. 
Working Group No. 5 
Interpretation of urban, rural and industrial structures. 
Working Group No. 6 
Interpretation of ice. 
Working Group No. 7 
Interpretation for archeological and antiquarian purposes. 
3. Resolved: That National Societies be advised of the increased interest 
in photographic interpretation, and that they assist the work of Commission 
VII by designating “Working Group Reporters” and by providing technical 
and bibliographic information on photographic interpretation for the annual 

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