Full text: Proceedings of the Congress (Part 1)

§ 19. Brigadier Dowson nominated as President for the period 1956— 
1960 Major-General R. Ll. Brown, as Secretary-General Colonel R. T. L. Rogers 
and as Treasurer Mr. J. E. Odle, who were then unanimously elected by the 
General Assembly. The President announced that the Delegate Meeting had 
proposed reelection of the previous Council members Janicot, Beading and 
Schermerhorn and that in conformity with the Statutes one of the three Swedish 
members of the Council should be elected to the new Council. The Swedish 
chief delegate announced that the retiring President P. Mogensen who had 
been nominated by the Delegate Meeting, had asked to withdraw, and instead 
the retiring Secretary-General was proposed as member of the Council. The 
General Assembly elected unanimously Mssrs. Janicot, Reading, Schermerhorn 
and Fagerholm. 
§ 20. The Secretary-General presented the proposal of the Delegate Meeting 
for distribution of the Technical Commissions as follows: 
Comm. I. remains in Prance 
„ II. is taken over by Belgium from Switzerland 
„ III. is taken over by Italy from Benelux 
„ IV. is taken over by Switzerland from Canada but with a con 
tinuation of the close and good cooperation within its Subcommis 
„ V. is taken over by Germany from Italy 
„ VI. remains in Austria 
„ VII. remains in USA 
The General Assembly decided unanimously to accept the proposal. 
§ 21. The postponed question on the composition of the Committee for 
revision of the Statutes was taken up again and the General Assembly 
unanimously elected Mssrs. Brown, Rogers, Reading och Fagerholm. 
§ 22. The President gave the floor to General R. Ll. Brown, the newly 
elected President for 1956—1960. General Brown warmly thanked Mr. Mogen 
sen and his collaborators for the work they had done during the past four-year 
period. General Brown also expressed his satisfaction that the British invitation 
for the Congress in 1960 had been accepted and assured the General Assembly 
that he himself and his colleagues would make every effort to ensure the success 
of the work during the next four-year period. 
§ 23. The retiring President P. Mogensen thanked all the participants for 
their kindness and indulgence during the Congress that would shortly come 
to an end. He expressed his special gratitude to the Chairmen of Commissions 
for the large amount of work they had done and finally thanked the many 
voluntary helpers for their great contribution to the work. 
§ 24. President Mogensen declared the VIII International Congress of 
Photogrammetry closed. 
Verified: Patrik Mogensen Signed: Per Olof Fagerholm 
Secretary General 
Talk by Maj. Gen. R. Ll. Brown, July 23rd, 1956, Stockholm 
Mr. President, 
I am very greatful to you for allowing me the opportunity of speaking to the Council 
and the Commission Boards about the 1960 Congress. 
If, as seems probable, the Congress should take place in Great Britain, we shall need 
all the cooperation we can obtain to make it a success. 
Each successive Congress has differed from its predecessor, and all must now be aware 
of the success that has been achieved here at Stockholm. But we must not stand still. 
Our Congresses have developed step by step. I should like to outline to you, in quite 
general terms, one important step forward I think we might take for the 1960 Congress, 
and ask your cooperation in it.

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