Full text: National reports (Part 2)

1. General.—Air Survey by graphical methods has been practised in Pakistan 
ever since the State came into existence. Photogrammetry has only recently been 
introduced with the import of a few plotting instruments. Plans for the establishment 
of a Photogrammetric Institute are going ahead in stages. The progress made so far 
is quite encouraging. 
2. Photography.—There is no photographing agency in Pakistan. Inspite of 
this draw back, the whole of the country approximately 3,45,000 sq. miles excepting 
a small part has been photographed. Most of the photography has been carried out 
by the foreign firms with funds provided by the Government of Pakistan or from 
foreign aid. This vast air cover is now being put to different uses. Besides the 
normal topographical survey which is being compiled from these photographs, geological 
prospecting, soil survey, Forestry, Town Planning etc., are also being carried out with 
the help of these photographs. 
3. Photo Processing Laboratory.—The demand for the photo prints has 
necessitated the establishment of a Photo Laboratory. A start has just been made. 
Besides the processing equipment, facilities for reduction and enlargement also exist in 
the Laboratory. In the very near future, rectifiers will also be provided. 
There are plans to set up a photographing agency in the country itself. As soon 
as this plan goes through this Laboratory will be expanded to cater for all the needs of 
the photographing agency. Provisions will also be made for Camera Calibration etc. 
4. Training.—As far as the graphical methods go, necessary training to the 
staff is imparted in the Survey Department itself. In the Engineering Colleges also, 
rudimentary knowledge of photogrammetry, is imparted. It is however not included 
as a separate subject in the Curriculum of any of the Universities or Technical Colleges. 
Advance training in photogrammetry has already been given to a good few of the 
officers of this department under U. N. T. A. A. and Colombo plan Assistance. Some 
of them have been trained in Canada and others in U. K. and Netherlands. It is 
proposed to continue sending one or two Officers abroad every year for training. This 
programme will continue for three to five years. Services of foreign experts have been 
arranged who shall conduct training in the country itself. 
Operators on newly imported instruments are being trained in the department also. 
5. Expert Services.—To organise Photogrammetry on scientific basis, services 
of 2 specialists have been called for under United Nations Technical Aid Administra 
tion. One of them who will act as Cheif ¿Adviser has already arrived and an other as 
Cheif Photogrammetrist shall soon join. 
6. Applications of Photogrammetry.— 
(a) Topographical Mapping. 
( i ) Large scale, in connection with the developement scheme concern 
ing Irrigation, Hydroelectric, Road Construction etc., projects 
undertaken by the Government.

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