Full text: Executive & formal meetings, resolutions etc. (Part 1)

VEB Carl Zeiss Jena 
Jena, Germany 
Representatives: E. Feldkeller 
O. Hoffmann 
J. Rost 
H. Schoeler 
H. Schrumpf 
H. Voigt 
O. Weibrecht 
A. Ziegert 
Photogrammetric Equipment 
Aerial Survey Camera MRB 21/1818. Fully automatic film camera for 
aero-photogrammetric survey work primarily on large and medium scales 
and also for the production of photoplans. Image size 7 in. x 7 in. One- 
man operation from any place in the airplane by remote control of the 
camera. Newly computed high performance lens “Pinatar” f/4 which is 
practically distortion-free and of high resolving power even at low 
contrasts. A field lens incorporated in the control unit produces bright 
and sharp images of the terrain. Continuous setting of exposure times 
between 1/50 sec. and 1/500 sec. or between 1/100 sec. and 1/1000 sec. resp. 
Exact determination of film shrinkage with the aid of glass scales arranged 
at tne four sides of the image frame and photographed together with the 
terrain. Perfect film flattening by vacuum. Control unit adaptable to 
normal-, and wide- and superwide angle cameras. 
Stereometrograph. High-precision stereo-plotter with frontal observation 
operating on the principle of purely mechanical projection. Primarily used 
for large- and medium-scale mapping from normal- and wide-angle vertical 
photographs. Completely self-contained construction, protecting all 
functional elements from injuries, dust, and stray light. Possibility of 
subsequent attachment of the “Coordimeter” coordinate registering and 
computing unit. Image sizes 7 in. x 7 in. or 9 in.x9 in. resp. Clear 
arrangement of all manipulating controls and reading points which are 
conveniently accessible from the operator’s seat. Electrical transfer of 
the coordinate movements from the machine on to the coordinatograph. 
Stereoplanigraph. Universal-type high-precision stereoscopic plotting and 
measuring apparatus for compilation of large-scale maps and for the 
conduction of aerial triangulations. By virtue of the principle of purely 
optical projection adapted in this apparatus vertical and oblique photo 
graphs as well as convergent photographs may be evaluated without any 
STAND 101 
Examination Hall 
Gordon Square 
First Floor 
Stand 101—cunt. 
restriction. Automatic compensation of magnification. Graphical and/or 
numerical evaluation. Standard equipment comprises normal angle 
projection chambers, wide angle chambers on request. Provision is made 
for fitting the Electrical Coordinate Recording unit “Coordimeter” with 
typewriter and tape punch. 
Coordimeter. Universal type registering and computing unit for recording 
of machine coordinates, computation of relative and absolute orientation 
corrections, transformation of machine coordinates into State coordinates 
and carrying out affinity transformations. The values obtained by measure 
ment or computation are recorded in clear text on a typewriter or on 
punched tapes. Electrical connexion to the plotting machine especially to 
Stereometrograph and Stereoplanigraph. The control desk is equipped 
with reading windows for point numbering and coordinate values, 
keyboard, various manipulation controls, counting and storing mechanism, 
control device for electrical typewriter. Interchangeable cylinders con 
taining the recording and computation programme. “Coordimeter” is 
available with certain fixed recording and computation programmes. 
Special programmes may be prepared on request. 
Phototheodolite 19/1318. Terrestrial surveying camera with recording lens 
practically free from distortion. Theodolite-like orientation-attachment 
with vertical and horizontal circles. For production of photograms used 
in the compilation of topographic and cadastral maps, plans used in 
engineering work, architectural surveys. Well suited for the economical 
performance of surveys in alpine areas, in open-mine work, stone 
pits, etc. 
Stereocomparator 1818. For the exact measurement of rectangular 
image coordinates and their differences (Coordinate parallaxes) in photo 
grammetric pairs. Used primarily in terrestrial photogrammetry to 
evalute photograms for topographic purposes, architectural survey, study 
of glacier movements, etc. 
Stereoautograph. For the plotting from pairs of terrestrial photographs 
taken with horizontal and approximately parallel topographic axes. 
Especially suited for the production of planimetrie and contour maps, for 
quantitative determination in open-mine work, stereophotogrammetric 
architectural surveys, ballistics, take-off and landing records, cloud 
research in meteorology, study of glacier movements, specific astronomical 
purposes. Applied also in aerial photogrammetry. Purely mechanical 
projection. Automatic elimination of vertical parallaxes. 
Mirror Stereoscope. For observation of and measurement in stereoscopic 
pairs by means of a Tracing Stereometer. 
Stereopantometer. Mirror Stereoscope and Tracing Stereometer equipped 
with parallel guide and tracing device.

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