Full text: Executive & formal meetings, resolutions etc. (Part 1)

Presented paper of: Fagerholm and Thunberg 
Invited paper: G. P. Le Divelec, Méthodes pour combler les lacunes de la restitution et pour la 
vérification des plans et des cartes photogrammétriques 
Presented paper of: Birardi 
Invited paper: M. Baussart, L’évolution récente des méthodes de levé des cartes à petites échelles 
Presented papers of: Cude, I G N, Kasper, Konshin, Kosofsky and Spooner, Mott, Swanson, Void 
S u b-C ommission I V-4 
Presentation of the General Report 
Commission V 
Discussion on change of name of Commission V 
Discussion on X-ray photogrammetry 
Related presented paper of: Kohnle 
Invited paper: K. Hubeny, Problème der Stereophotogrammetrie in der Mikroskopie und Elek- 
Presented papers of: Heyll, Cameron 
Invited paper: H. Schmid, The Potential of Ballistic Photogrammetry 
Related presented paper of: Rosenfield 
Presented papers of: I G N, Moreland 
Invited paper: R. Burkhardt, Aufgaben der Kommission V bei der Losung von Problemen des 
Bauingenieurs im Versuchswesen 
Related presented papers of: Borchers, Helming 
Presented papers of: Aldman and Sigmark, La Belgique (Ministère des Travaux Publics) 
Commission VI 
Discussion on selection of photogrammetric terms 
Discussion on the Bibliography 
Discussion on education in photogrammetry 
Related presented papers of: Corten, Turpin 
Commission VII 
Invited paper: R. N. Colwell, The Photo Interpretation Picture in 1960 
Invited paper: S. Bousky, Do Present Standards Assure Photographic Interpretability? 
Invited paper: T. Maruyasu and M. Nishio, On the Study and Application of Infrared Aerial 
Presented papers of: Olson, Zeidner and Sadacca 
Invited paper: R. G. Miller, The Interpretation of Tropical Vegetation and Crops on Aerial 
Presented papers of: Steiner, Ericsson 
Invited paper: O. W. Mintzer, Using Airphotos to Identify Construction Sources of Gravel 
Invited paper: G. Teleki, The Relation of Sea Ice Forecast and Aerial Photographs in Arctic 
Presented papers of: Armstrong, Dunbar, Palosuo, Schytt 
Invited paper: B. L. Y. Dubuisson and A. A. J. Burger, Etude de la circulation par interprétation 
de photographies aériennes 
Presented papers of: Bergstrom, Green and Monier, Belcher, Thorén, Monier and Vent, Lattman, 
McBeth, Mikhailov, Pillmore, Ray and Fischer, Boon, Schneider

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