Full text: Executive & formal meetings, resolutions etc. (Part 1)

Stand 105 —cont. 
Stand 103—cont. 
Activities and Products 
The N.V. Optische Industrie “De Oude Delft” (trade mark “Old Delft”) 
manufacture optical precision instruments based on patents of its own. 
President: Professor Dr. A. Bouwers. Some products: 
“Odelca” X-ray cameras (GRA 1: 0-63) with Bouwers’s mirror system, 
for 70 mm. and 100 mm. film sizes. 
“7VΔ aerial reconnaissance cameras with various focal lengths with 
Bouwers’s mirror system for 70 mm. and 5 in. roll films. 
“Delca” tele-photo objectives with focal lengths of 50, 100, 200 and 
500 cm. with Bouwers’s mirror system for ciné-, miniature- and 2\ in. x 2\ in. 
High-speed mirror system infra-red objectives for night-viewing equipment. 
High-speed “Rayxar” f/0-75 refractive objectives. 
Military and other special optical instruments on request. 
Dennert & Pape Aristo-Werke 
Hamburg-Altona, Juliusstrasse 10, West Germany 
Representatives: R. Jäger 
J. Buck 
ARISTO Coordinatograph 4446. For rectangular coordinates. Plotting 
range 47in.x57in. (1200 mm.x 1500 mm.). Equipped for scribing on 
emulsion-coated material. Translucent drawing surface with electric 
lighting installation. Plotting precision ± 0-0012 in. (0-03 mm.). 
ARISTO Coordinatograph 4436. Plotting range 20in.x20in. (500 mm. 
X 500 mm.). A portable instrument for use on any suitable drawing- 
board or on a translucent lighted table for scribing on emulsion-coated 
material. Plotting precision ± 0-0012 in. (0-03 mm.). 
ARISTO Polar Coordinatograph 4535. Plotting range 16 in. (400 mm.) in 
diameter. Plotting precision ± 0-0012 in. (0-03 mm.). 
ARISTO Small Size Coordinatographs. In a variety of constructions for 
preparing plans and maps by polar as well as rectangular coordinates. 
ARISTO Engraver 4911. A scribing instrument for emulsion-coated glass 
or plastic foil. 
STAND 104 
Examination Hall 
Gordon Square 
Second Floor 
Stand 104—cont. 
ARISTO Slide Rules, Computers and Drafting Appliances. Particularly 
the special circular computers ARISTO Aviat for use in air navigation, 
special-scaled slide rules ARISTO Surveyor for surveying problems and 
ARISTO Air Photo for use in planning and evaluating air photo flights. 
Activities and Products 
The firm of Dennert & Pape ARISTO Works was established in 1863 
as makers of mathematic, surveying and cartographic instruments. 
The manufacture of slide rules was taken up in 1871. Today the trade 
name ARISTO for slide rules is famous throughout the world. 
For more than thirty years coordinatographs have been another specialty 
of the company. These instruments perform with a plotting precision of 
± 0-0012 in. (0-03 mm.) and are now available for sheet sizes up to 
47 in.x57 in. (1500 mm. x 2000 mm.). A new coordinatograph operated 
by punched-tape is now going into production and will first be shown 
during the 1960 Geodetic Convention at Bremen, Germany. 
Svenska AB Gasaccumulator 
Stockholm—Lidingö, Sweden 
Representatives: R. Schöldström 
J. Sterner 
STAND 105 
Examination Hall 
Gordon Square 
Second Floor 
The Model “4” Geodimeter. A lightweight version of the world’s first 
electronic surveying instrument series for highly accurate distance 
The AG A Polar Coordinatograph. A device which greatly simplifies 
accurate plotting of polar coordinates. 
Like the larger Geodimeter models, the Model “4” projects a pulsating 
light beam to a reflect placed at the distant point. By phase comparison 
of the transmitted and received light, it is possible to measure the time 
required for each pulse to make the round trip, and the distance is then 
computed using the simple formula: distance = timexvelocity. 
Measurements are generally made at night when atmospheric conditions 
are most stable. However, the Model “4” has a daylight range of up to 
1-500 metres making it ideal for surveying photogrammetric reference 
points. Other Geodimeter applications are baseline measurement, hydro 
graphy, traversing, road and mine surveys, radar calibration, town 
planning, etc. 

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