Full text: Executive & formal meetings, resolutions etc. (Part 1)

For Period 1956—60 Appointed for 1960—64 
W.G. 3. Small Scale Mapping 
President: T. J. Blachut (Canada) 
/ C. Broillet (Europe) 
President: T. J. Blachut 
Secretary: B. F. Engler 
W.G. 4. Fundamental Questions in 
Relation to Controlled Experiments 
(Now transferred to Commission II) 
President: B. Hallert 
Associates: L. O. Hosen 
C. O. Ternryd 
W.G. 4. Civil Engineering (New Group) 
President: W. Blaschke 
Secretary: K. Linkwitz 
Commission V 
Special Applications of Photogrammetry 
President: R. Burkhardt 
Secretary: W. Weismann 
President: K. Hubeny 
Secretary: Helmut Etti 
Commission VI 
Education, Terminology and Bibliography 
President: A. Barvir 
Secretary: H. Schmid 
President: R. S. Halonen 
Secretary: Mrs A. Savolainen 
Commission VII 
Photo Interpretation 
President: C. G. Coleman 
Secretary: E. J. Rogers 
President: C. H. Edelman 
Secretary: H. Th. Verstappen 
Working Groups 
NOTE: The number of groups has been 
augmented and the numbering rearranged 
since the Congress. 
W.G. 1. Photography and Photo Coverage 
W.G. 1. Photography, Techniques and 
Chairman: K. Stone 
President: D. A. Stellingwerf 
W.G. 2. Photographic Interpretation 
Equipment and Techniques 
Chairman: W. A. Fischer 
W.G. 2. Geology 
President: J. F. M. Mekel 
W.G. 3. Interpretation of Surface 
Configuration, Drainage, Soils, Geology 
Chairman: P. E. Truesdall 
W.G. 3. Soils 
President: A. P. A. Vink 

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