Full text: General reports (Part 2)

the true limitations since the initial stage. It would be then advisable to restore, even 
by some convenient modifications, the ancient title given to the Commission, namely 
the one used at pre-war Congresses. Its title was then: « Preliminary operations and 
determination of the ground control points for aerial surveys, whether with ground 
measurements or aerial triangulations ». 
At present, any reference to the operations of ground measurements must be 
given up, while the determination of control points by means of the photography 
connection, looks like the most suitable title depecting the Commission III's field 
of interest. In fact, all rapporteurs answering our Questionnaire have retained the 
Commission task in this direction. 
We are of the opinion, therefore, that Commission III's jurisdiction field must 
concern the needful operations to helping to reduce the locations of ground points 
to carry out photogrammetric operations. 
Within the said wide acception, are, therefore, included all those methods which, 
although not fully suitable for aerial triangulation, are actually serviceable for this 
aim: namely, to avoid or reduce ground operations for locating control points; to 
obtain by direct measurement the orientation elements of the photographs and speed 
up with more saving cartographic operations. 
Thus, the different proceedings can be summarized as follows: 
a) aerial triangulation in all its varied ways 
b) the use of instruments fit to directly supply some of the elements of pho- 
tographic orientation (auxiliary instruments) 
c) the use of high altitude photographs to increase the amount of control 
points for the orientation of photographs taken at a lower altitude. 
d) all possible combinations between the three said elements (use of auxiliary 
instruments in aerial triangulation: photographs triangulation at high alti- 
tude to supply points to photographs taken at a lower altitude, etc.). 
Naturally it is not supposed that this limited casuistry can fully satisfy the diffe- 
rent modalities enabling to reach the purpose meant by the Commission title: anyway, 
they suffice to mark its limitations. 
At the present technical development however it is evident that among the afo- 
resaid different points there is no balance. Aerial Triangulation in its different shapes 
and variations is of fundamental interest for Commission IIT, even by the help of 
instruments directly determining some of the orientation elements. 
We fully agree therefore, with the IX Congress Directorate's decision that gave 
the Commission III the following title « The aerial triangulation ». 
This subject does in reality constitute the kernel of Commission III's interest. 
Therefore, our present report, bearing in mind the Commission’s programmatic spe- 
cification, will mainly follow the different aerial triangulation proceedings. 
b) Having already specified Commission ITI’s dominion, we must now specify 
its purposes and deriving activities. 
Obvious considerations of a general character, lead us to believe that the funda- 
mental purpose of a Commission, and specially of Commission III, should be the 
following two: 
a) to guide the scientifical, experimental and theoretical research 
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