Full text: General reports (Part 2)

5. — At the end of the work, each organization, taking part in it, shall send the 
President of Commission III a detailed report on the-work done, containing: 
— the description of the plotting method used 
— a table showing work times for each stage 
— a description of the adjustment methods used 
— a table containing: 
the values of discrepancies for each point 
the adjusted coordinates 
the discrepancies in the adjusted coordinates 
— any further information concerning the work done. 
In its turn, Commission III shall publish all the reports in the General Report 
that the Commission will submit to the IX Congress of the I.S.P. in London (1960) 
and will open the data and results of this experimental work to discussion at the mee- 
ting to be arranged at the Congress, for Commission III. 
Milano, June 1958 
On the basis of answers received to questions contained in Circular N° 2, and none 
of which objected to the enacted rules' general principle, showing that the number 
of probable participants was high enough to justify such a burdensome work, the Com- 
mission President in Circular N° 3, given out in August 1958, announced to take 
on himself the task of organizing these experimental research works in the same spirit 
and in accordance with the rules enacted and accepted. 
In the same circular the President was pleased to announce that the French I.G.N. 
Director had declared to be willing to allot to his Institute the heavy task of establi- 
shing the polygone on French territory and to carry out all the necessary measurements 
to determine control-points. 
Furthermore, I.G.N. stated to be willing to carry out flights on behalf of other 
Organizations, against a partial refund of expenses. 
The President accepted this generous offer with gratitude, as well as the proposal 
of establishing a polygon in the « Massif Central» zone. 
It is an area of 80 x 80 km’ in the high valley of Loire and Allier, in very irregular 
regions whose average altitude is 800 m, with heights between 340 and 1.600 m. 
In this territory, some operations necessary to the preparation of the 1 : 25.000 
scale map were carried out, and thus, a thick network of triangulated points, all al- 
ready identified on photographs, are available. 
The French I.G.N. declared, besides, to be ready to carry out flights on this 
polygon with the equipments wanted by and in accordance to the manners demanded 
by the different participants. 
The group of potential participants to these researches immediately apparent, 
both through the Commission III Presidency and direct contact got into touch with 
the I.G.N. to fix up precise agreements for flights. 
Besides, the French I.G.N. Centre, two other Centres asked for particular flights 
characteristics, namely: the Swiss Centres directed by Prof. Zeller, wanting to effect 
flights with a Wild R.C. 7 camera, overlap of 9095, with a view to achieve bridging 
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