Full text: General reports (Part 2)

Preliminary results: 
Mean square value of the residual parallaxes at photo scale 1: 80.000 in the 
points used. for relative orientation: 
Mean square value Average number of points 
Strip of parallaxes used for relative orientation Measured 
1 6,9 y 12 Mar. 15-Mar. 23 
2 6,3 12 Mar. 23-Mar. 31 
3 7,4 12 Mar. 31-Apr. 11 
6 6,5 12 Apr. 12-May 2 
4 6,6 12 May 4-May 9 
5 6,4 11,2 May  9-May 13 
7 5,4 9,7 May 16-May 24 
8 4,9 9,4 May 24-May 31 
4 repeat 5,0 11,3 May 31-June 1! 
| Maximum differences between unadjusted strips after first transformation and 
| levelling if no differences are left in first and last tie point in each overlap: 
Maximum Maximum 
Strips X-dafference Y-difference 
1-2 — 26 m +34 m 
2-3 + 38 — 22 
3-4 — 10 d- 16 
4 — 5 — 4 + 29 
5—6 +36 — 96 
6 — 7 — 48 + 34 
7-8 + 74 — 26 
Residual errors in eight ground control points used for preliminary adjustment 
of block as a whole: 
Point X-error Y-error 
3 — 12,7 m + 73m 
5 — 11,9 + 6,3 
| 4 1,9 — 8] 
| 41 — 15,0 — 16:6 
| 271 + 21,8 a 
| 275 T5 +} 3,2 
d 297 + $6 + 84 
| 299 + 10,5 + 10,9 
Mean square value of the relative error in tie points, that is, in the deviation of 
their coordinates from the average obtained from two strips: 
in X in Y Total 
1,8 m 1,8 m 25 m». 
Milan July 31st, 1960. 

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