Continuation: TABLE No 1
Organizations using Aerial Triangulation Purposes | Methods for the Aerial Triangulation performance
has e eL em - ]
News on tendencies | ; |
No Country Rapporteur dii for the use of Cartographie purposes | | | per strips per blocks
pli- Government Private à fe ; = | Study | Other | et =
Aerial Triangulation | : | | |
ed Agencies Corporations small | medium large | purposes | Purposes! Tnastru- | Analy- | 3: Instru- | Analy- | 5. 1:
scale 3 scale scale | | | mental tical Radial mental tical | Radial
map i map map |
| |
97 | U. K. Mr.H.H.Brazier | yes |l. Ordnance Survey Methods are not yet 1:10.560 |1:1.250 | | — — — yes yes —
static: improvements | | |
are always being sought | | |
and this will fully occu- | | |
py all air triangula- | | |
tion resources. | |
e pierna | acri m e eee mia ln E sl T alin a — EL
2. Directorate of Over- The use is increasing] : 125.000 |1 :25.000 | VOS yes uum =
seas Surweys A careful watch is| | | |
maintained. | | | |
3. Hunting Surveys|The use is increasing. | occasionally | yes | yes se = -— i]
Ltd. Greater use of analy-| used |
tical methods - Grea- | | |
ter use of electronic |
computors for plani-| |
metric adjustment -| |
Development of a com-| mainly used |
prehensive height ad-| | |
justment procedure sui-| | | |
table forelectronic com-| | | | |
putation - Greater use| | |
of APR for small scale| | | |
mapping. | | | | |
4. Fairey Air Surveys | yes | = | | T
Ltd. Berkshire | | | | |
| | | | |
98 | U.S.A. Mr. A. Nowicki | yes |l. Army Map Service |The use of Aerotrian-|1 : 50.000 | | Analytical Tri- yes | | yes
& |gulation at this time| | | angulation has | | | |
Mr. J. Born appears to be statio-| | | ‚only been per | | | |
Inary. Its applications| | formed on an | | | |
land limitations for lar-| | | experimental | | |
loge and medium scale | | basis |
a, a Ce B (mapping have been : = eo XA . . . ; : es | ra ves | ves
2. Geological Survey [fairly well established. It is estimated that in United States some investiga " | | yes ye F ^
lIncreased accuracy|Aerial Triangulation for approxima- tions towards A- | | |
[through improved ste. |tely 430.000 km* of large scale nalytieal Me | | | |
|reoplottinginstruments mapping and 74.000 km? of medium thod | P | | |
3 Coast and Geodetic [OP through the use of [scale mapping ere accomplished Some investiga yes | yes negligible negligible| E | yes
EN lanalyticaltriangulation during the year 1959. is N | | |
Survey | . | tions towards | | | |
à [could expand the ap-| Analvtical Me- | | |
|plication of aerotrian-| thod | |
uu nU o. inim he [gulation within the go-| ; | |
14. Navy Hydrographie vernment agencies; ] : 50.000 | | ves | | | | yes
Office however, its is doubt-|1 :25,000 | | | | |
: - _ ful that the application Lp | | — | |
|5. Forest Service will expand within the |1:24.000 |some appli yes |
| [commercial organiza-| or smallest | cations |
I ss ac [tions x | EI Foi spe | |
(6. Aeronautical Chart | | r S] | |
and Information | | | | cial pur | | | |
| Center | | | | poses | | | |
| - ——— a TT TT = Ty | | id |
| 7. Lockwood Kessler| | |mainly used yes | | negligible | |
| and Bartlett Inc. | | | | |
| 8. International Aerial| | | yes S yos | |
| Mapping Company | | | | E | | n
9. Mark Hurd Aerial l''hese Companies performed Aerial | | |
Surveys Inc. | Triangulation to a lesser degree | | | | |
- - Eu _ | I | |
| 10. Air Survey Corpo-| | | |
ration | | | | |
11. International Map- | | | | |
| ping Corporation | | ph. | | Ll 2 |
112. The Ohio State U | Institute for education | | | Mainly for study yes yes ye] re | ml
niversity - Research | and research | | | purposes | | |
Foundation - Insti-| | | | | | |
tute of Geodesy, | | |
Photogrammetry | | | | | |
and Cartography | | | | | | |
| | | | |