Continuation: TABLE N° 2
| Bridging
Survey Flight | Ground control points TT Adjustment of strips Reached precision
purpose | Plotting instruments Bridging characteristics |
Country Organization may scale | | | M | | Sr ; | r Tr | | |
o Photo- | Camera Flight Overlap | Auxiliary| Ground Total. | Position of | Plotting Preli- Thermal Operators s Relative AU Time | N° of ann of | Use of data, Use Use of | | Mean errors
total area | Cameras | graphic | calibra- altitude Photo ang | equip- |character- number control points Type instru- minary istics and | Bridging absolute from required | repe- | B. refraction | Planimetry Altimetry | from | of A other Tests
| material tion and | scale strip | ments | istics for in the strip | ments tests of | working method orientation auxiliary | for model | titions | C. film | auxiliary | electronic | equip- | x zZ
| | direction length | | strips | | | rooms | shifts of models lequipments | shrinkage lequipments| computers | ment | y
| | | | : | = | : | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
SOUTH AFRICA |R.C. 5 film | Byfaetory E-W 150 km | |First model fully |A. 5 |Grid test |1 shift 2-3 models| | By planetrans-|Vertical: by | | |
| RCs | |controlled, pair of [A. 7 | per day formation and |graphical | | |
| IRC 5 A.| controls every 5th an adjustment|means of plot-| |
| William- | land 7th model. |plotted curve |ting from a pa- | | |
son 0.8, | | | | e | jrabolic curve | | |
SPAIN IR.M.K. 21 |film 4.000 - |1:20.000 |60 | | |5controlpoints at |A. 7 Adjust -| |2 operat. | Optical mechani- A. By com-|Analytical graphical method | | |
| |normal | 5.000 m 11:30.000 |20 km! | both the ends of the| IA. 8 ment of |2 shifts cal method and] pensating |Zarzycki’s method | | |
| | Fairchild| la. g. {8 models | | Istrip. 3 control| S. IV zero posit-| Von-Gruber's plates : > | | |
| |f = 15,2 | | | | [points in the middle C. 8 lion |method | | |
SWEDEN | The Geographi- |3.600 models R.M.K. | film Determi-|4.000 - | |Forofficial mapping| The level|Multiplex|Grid test ‘Conventional, 1 hour C. By f varia-|Single strip triangulation is | | yes | Precision is endeavoured to obtain
| cal Survey office Iformiddleand 15/23 | ned with|4.500 m | | |the density of gro-|points are|Balplex empirical method tion lusually adjusted to the con- | | | | the results with sufficient accuracy.
small scale laboratory | | | |und planimetrycon-|seldom de-| trol points by ordinary simi- | | | | In the Multiplex and Balplex the er-
(method. trol points varies|termined| |A. Corrections larity transformation. | | | | ror is + 0,5 mm on the mapping
| ) | |The me- | between 3,5 and 0,5/by baro-| _ 2 areintrodu-| Triangulation in the Multiplex | | | scale
| | | |thod has | | points per 100 km*. | metric le-|A. 7 Indipendent 2.5 hours eed in the|and Balplex is treated with | | |
| 1600 models|William- | been cheoe-| | The number of ele- ivelling A. 5 model trian-| diapositive|graphical methods |
| for special|son Eagle| Iked with|10.000 m | | | vation control po-|(Northen gulation ac- printings or| |
| ‚purposes IIX | test from | | ints per model u-|Sweden) (cording to in projec-|
| the height| | | [sually amounts to 4 | Ekelund tors of the|
| of the ice | | | instruments
| | | fields. | | A. T idem 2,5 hours | |
12.150 models|R.C. 5 A. 1.500 - | | A. 8 |
| | for large scale | 15.000 m | L | | Ce C. 5 : | : | | | |
The Central Office|1.100 km? | | [1 : 7.000 | | | 4 elevation points A. 7 |Indipendent/Each individual| | | | The individual| |
of the Land Sur-|340 models| i : 65.000 |! each model A. 8 |model trian- | model is levelled| | | |model systems) no yes |
vey Board Cadastral] | | |gulation |with the aid of | | |are connected |
|map | | | elevation points. | (to each other|
|The scale is tran-|
|sferred to adja- | |
(cent models from| |
lelevation measu-| | |
|rements (A. 7) or| |
land to availa-
|ble control |
point with the| |
aid of similari-|
ty transforma-|
ment is perfor- |
{med in connec- |
tion with the
transformation. |
For a larger
(number of ste-|
reomodels the|
individual mo-|
| dels are usually
(connected in|
groups of four
and four which |
then are con-
nected to each
lother by com-|
mon computa- |
tion of the
from the mu-
tual connection |
of the indivi-|
dual groups
and with thiel
laid of available
control points.
| |from distances| tions. For a
| | (A. 8) few stereomo-| |
| dels the adjust- | |