Full text: General reports (Part 2)

Continuation: TABLE N° 2 
Bridging | 
; Ground control points | | 
Survey Flight | TTT — A ss Adjustment of strips Reached precision 
purpose | | Plotting instruments Bridging characteristics | 
No Country Organization man scale S ZA F T s m : | umque | uA ue Tz —_— ee EE nreE oe 
m "lie Overlap | ; | | 2 0 : Thermical | ators) | Relative Use nx : | Adjustment of| Iso of dai: Ts | Us Mean errors 
Camera Fut Photo vers | Auxiliary| Ground | N Position of Plotting Preli- | character- Opa Brideinz and of data Time NO of | A. distortion | Us f data be | Dee or d SPEM 
total area Cameras ealibra- | ' E equip- | character | num»et control points Type instru- minary istics rw jj ging absolute from required | repe- | B. refraction | Planimetry Altimetry rom o o gor Tests 
tion and seule sein ments istics for in the strip ments tests of working | method orientation auxiliary | for model | titions | C- film auxiliary | electronic | 9quip- X : 
direction length | | strips rooms shifts of models jequipments | shrinkage equipments computers | ment y Z 
| | | | | | 
an —— —M — _ TA | EA - rt rien 0 An — | Me — —| — —— |———— | — ——— - tne ne | re er at Je réel pu j'me mm nc — uu] ne = _ 
| | | zz lz 
98 | U.8.4, The Ohio State |33 strips for Standard Statoscope | Groups of 3 to 4 Natural A. 7 Grid test |Aircondi-|12 oper. 1-2 hours |A. By com -|For strip up to! > > 
University — In- [study purpo- error + Radar | ground points at points or with and tioned | | | pensating|100 km is used | Fri - 
stitute of Geo- |ses 0,01 - 0,02 Profile both ends and in signalized|w ithout | plates second order | ss " 
desy, Photo- mm. Recorder the middle of the|points electric co- | parabolas. | | c e 
grammetry and strips or groups of ordinate | |B. C. Are ta- | | L^ = 
Cartography | 3 to 4 ground points | printer | | |  kenintoae-|For strip lon-| = = 
16 strips T. 11 2.000 m 60 | at both ends, and Aeropolygo-|Optical mechani- | count byjger than 100 
K. 51 6.000 m 10/50 km |after the first and |ne method  |calrelative orien- thestripad- km  polynoms| a = 
R.C. 5 A. | second third of the | (tation justment|of third order| E T 
FE. 2925 | [strips are given. | procedure |are used. | 
| | | | 
3 strips K. 51 6.000 m 60 For the strip trian-| idem idem | |The graphical adjustment is 
50 km | gulations performed |carried out by means of cross 
| aecording to the Isections and longitudinal sec- 
3 convergent|K.C. 1 3.000 m 100 method of «Inde- idem lidem tions of the strip surface. Standard residual errors are in average 
photography 25 km pendent Geodetic See paper: À. J. Brandenber- 52% larger than those performed for 
strips Base Lines» base ger « The practice of spatial vertical photography 
lines at both ends aerial Triangulation » 
idem idem idem idem of the strips were idem Numerical relati- Standard errors 24% larger than for 
given ve orientation vertical photography 
| strip R.C. 7 6.000 m 70 Aerolevelling| Optical mechani-|Statoscope | Standard errors 30% larger than for 
100 km method cal relative orien- | strip triangulated with aeropolygone 
tation method. 
| strip RC. 5 9.000 m 60 Triangulation idem Radar 
200 km (with radar Profile 
profile me- Recorder 
| |thod and data | 
| ifrom oblique| 
| | photography | 
| | 
| strip T. 11 12.000 m 60 | | bz 0 me-|idem | 
650 km | Ithod | | | | 
| | | | | | | | | 
5 strips K. 51 2.000 m 60 | Aeropolygo-|idem | |See paper: A. J. Brandenber- | 
: FE. 995 6.000 m 10/50 km | nemethod and | |ger « Strip triangulation with | 
method of in- lindependent geodetic controls; 
idipendent [triangulation of strip qua- 
geodetic con-| | Idrangle » 
trols | | | | 
| | | 
| ee]; | | ; | | 
| strip qua-|K. 51 6.000 m 60 : Loope trian- idem | | | idem 
drancle 4 x 50 km gulation with| | | | 
= 200 km | aeropolygone| | | | 
method and | | | | 
indipendent | | | | 
|geodetic con- | | | | | 
| [trols | | | | | | | 
| ! Î | | | 
| | | | | | | 
| | | | | 
| | | | | | 
| | | | 
| | | 
| | 

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