Full text: General reports (Part 2)

| ; ‘ : Bridging 
Flight | Ground Control points —_— ———— Pris — à rer te 
Survey Instruments | Characteristies of the analytical bridging 
Y J EEE E —— M — | ——— — _ — a] a E s SE E E E P ER EE WELL rc errant nt ire man ever nn Le 
du : à E UO | : | 1 | ; : . a : | Reached 
2, EI purpose | "light 5; T 43 .. | Thecnical | Operators | [Use of data| Time required for x |Adjustment of| Program | Coordinates Adi 
No Country Organization aan scale | Photo- | Camera ' light | ou Auxiliary| Ground | Number and position Instrument, Prelimi- | | Operator | t se ot cat: |. q -] Noe [x distortion | Progr | mates Adjustment | Precision 
map scale | | : ; | altitude Photo | Strip i ^] f control points Tv and its am | character- | and | ; |. from | | | JT l and | obtained | 
total are: Cameras | graphic | calibrat- | Overlap | equip- |character-| of control points lype and its nary | m= : | Computation proceeding | A | asure- ] computa. | repeti- B. refraction sg 
otal area | Ue and scale | lenght ati | in the stri ood id isties | working | | auxiliary , measure: j puta- | : C. film | electronic | by the 
| material ion | ; | | ments istics | In the strip precision | test | ene d | , nts | ti tions d : | | : 
| | direction | | | | of rooms shifts | jequipments| MeNts lon shrinkage | computer | computation 
nn = NY] — — B DUE —d[FoM  —V-JF MÀ 4 tr > E EIE | IL re fee 
| | | | | : | r : fg | | | 3 | 
4 | CANADA | N.R.C. Research | R.C. 8 Carefully| 6.000- | | APR | Areas with control | [TA 3 Grid test| 3 n Op. The method developed at/APR even-/4-5  over-|25-60 sec. Arealways ma-|IBM 650 | Second-degree con-|Of the same order 
| purpose f = 15,3 calibrated| 9.000 m | |points in each | O.M.I. [periodically = the National Research|tually laps per day de without op-| (formal transform-|as that obtained 
in the la- | loverlap | | i | = Council of Canada by Mr. tional featu- ations are carried with conventional 
RC 9 boratory | | | | | | = G. H. Schut is used. So | res out on the electronic|plotters 
f—8,9 | | | | | e | far 15-25 points per over- computer. Further| 
| | | | | | | 5 | lap plus additional ground adjustmentsareused, | 
| | | | à | | control points are being particularly utilizing 
| | | | | | | measured. auxiliary data from| 
| | | | | | | the APR. When the| 
| | | | | | APR data are used,| 
| | | | | | | | the aerial triangula-| 
| | | | tion is based exclu-| 
| | | | | sively on the ground| 
| | | control points in the| 
| | | | | | first and last over- 
| | | | | lap; otherwise a point | 
| | | | lin the center of the| 
| | | | [strips is used. | 
= i — - = | A — | = ~ res re — | — ——— [ ———— -— Nl —————1————— — fu mI | —Ó—Ó—Á——Ó 
| " | : m « | | | | : . | 
15 | ITALY | C.AS.F. Research By factory] | | 5 control points at the lA 3 |1 operator |The method developed at! [30" per o-| 1-5 These correc-|Bell + Geodetical | |Of the same order 
: s purpose | | | | | beginning. 5-4 points O.M.I. | | | shift ithe Centro di Addestra-| |verlap | tions are made|IBM 650 coordinates| las that obtained 
| O.E.E.P.E's | | | | at the end. + 3 y mento e Studi Fotogram-| | | | for each over- and elevation| |with conventional 
| strips | | | metrici of Milano by Prof.| | | lap during the|CRC 109-A |plotters. 
| | | | |G Inghilleri is used. [Statoscope | | 5 computation | | 
| 9 A R.C. 5 | plates 14.500 m | 60 100 km |Statoscope|hilly So far 9 points per overlap | | | | 
| | | | : | 019 4 T : : | | | | | | 
| | : : | : | as. 1106 k Periscope hillv [plus 2 additional ground| li: | | | | | | | 
| 5 À S.O.M. | film 4.500 m | ) | km Statoscope ilh [control points are being Periscope | : | | | | 
| | | | | | | (measured. Statoscope | | 3 | | | 
| | Fl A R.C. 5 | film (4.500 m | 60 100 km |Statoscope | | Types of program: | | | | 
| | |; | | | | | free bridging; | | | 2 | 
| | for la rge SANTONI film 2.100 m 60 .] 17 km | flat | | | conditioned bridging with| | | 2 
| | scale map VI | | | | | solar data; | | | 
| | Ju : . . . 
| | 1:5.000 | | | conditioned bridging with, | | | 
| | I | 
| | | | | Istatoscope data; | | | | 
| | | | | I 3. :41.] | | | | 
(conditioned bridging with | | | | | 
| | | dm d : | (statoscope plus solar data. | | | “N 
| | | | erm verd es —— 
| | > ; 4 milata "H ingtr nt: \ | | | | I OP; i Pe | 
27 | UK. | Hunting Surveys| Research | As for strips triangulated with instrumental method | | | | | | Ferranti- Pe- | | 
| Lid. | purpose | | | gasus auto- | | 
| | | | | | | | code | | 
| | | 
| | NDA: | | | | | / | | 
| = - | a dre — + | menmtmmimis - cmd, — | ien EN 
| | | à and | | | | | | | | | | 
| : The analvtio: jangulati y strips is presently being tested and not usec | | | | | 
98 | U.S.A. | Army Map Ser- | I'he ; analy be triangulation per strips is presently ë | | | | | | | | 
| vice operationally | | | | | | | 
| teen]. | | | | | 
| | | — - _ | — ————— | LUE td tre] cm SR eren] rte: a tertiaire I= ét tm a | so ——— ae ERREUR, 
| | x | | Ir | | | | xp Tnj | ; | 
l-Ohio State Uni- | Research | T 11 | film 6.000 m 60 45 km | flat | Man-com- I2 operators|The Hergert method is | 150-70m per) 10m | Are always|IBM 650 Universal|The strip adjustment Of the same order 
vercitv Institu- purpose | |13 models| | parator applied. | loverlap | | made space rectan-|is performed nume-|as that obtained 
te of Geodesy | | | | [9-15 and 25 points per| | | | | gular coordi-|rically by means or conventional 
Photosrammo- | F 225 film 2.000 m 60 110 km | (flat [photograph are measured. | 130™ for pre-| | | nate system |the IBM 650 (plotters. 
1 Car | | I1 models, | AT | | Iparing datal | | or | The use of 25 or 
try and Carto- | | | (paring c ata, | | | | 5 Doi 
'raphy | | | | | | | | | local spa ce| |15 points per pho- 
gre £ | y Me | | | . 
grapn: T ii film 12.000 m | 60  |650 km | (fat | | | | | | | | Irectangular| |tograph did not 
| | 81 models| | | | | | | | | | | coordinate| |show a significant 
| | | | | | | | | | | system | linerease in accu- 
| | - ) | " 70-8 x € in- | | | | RS s 
| 0 strips R.C. 7 plates 8.000 m 70 70-80 km | Mountain | | | | | | | |racy 
| | | | 20 models| ous | | | | | | | | | 
| | | | | | | 
| | | | | | 

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