Full text: General reports (Part 2)

Organization of the Commission's work 
The scope of Commission IV includes 
plans over the earth's surface. The Commission's work is intended for the technicians and scien- 
tists dealing with photogrammetry, as well as the users of the results in engineering and economics. 
In order to get a better general view of this wide field, and at the same time to get a deeper insight 
into the various investigations, the work has been divided among 4 Sub-Commissions as follows: 
IV/1: large scale mapping 1:500 through 1:10 000, cadastral surveying 
IV/2: urban maps 
IV/3: small scale mapping 1:25 000 through 1:200 000 
IV/4: fundamental investigations based on the supervised tests IV/1, 2 and 3 
The results of the work of Commission IV are published in the Commission Reports IV/1, IV/2, 
IV/3 and IV/4. 
Each one of the 4 Sub-Commissions has brought together the innovations in the way of producing 
maps and plans since the last Congress (Stockholm 1956), and tried to show what the status of the 
art is today (A). 
In 1958/59, each one of the 4 Sub-Commissions has had a supervised test plotted with various 
machines by different institutes in different countries. All the results were analysed impartially 
so as to give an insight into the practical potentialities of photogrammetry (C). 
The results and conclusions of 1.2. and 1.3. have been published in the following Reports: 
IV/1: Lundgren and Möller: Survey of new experiences since 1956 and the state of photogram- 
metric science and technics (part 1), the results of the experimental work “Monti di Revöira” 
1958-1960 (part 2). 
IV/2: Dubuisson: The innovations in photogrammetric urban surveys since 1956 (1st part); the 
supervised tests 1:1000 based on the *Wabern" area, 1958/60 (214 part). 
IV/3: Blachut: Experiences since 1956 and the second international small-scale mapping experi- 
ment (*Renfrew" 1:50 000). 
Tewinkel: Analysis of contour errors ("Renfrew" 1:50 000). 
Finsterwalder: Comments on the Renfrew small-scale mapping experiment. 
IV/4: Hallert, Ottoson, Ternryd: Fundamental questions in relation to controlled experiments. 
Appendix 1: Activity during the period 1958-1960. 
Appendix 2: Summary of the answers to questions concerning specifications for funda- 
mental photogrammetric procedures. 
. The most important information about the supervised tests IV/1, 2, 3, 4 will be displayed at the 
international Exhibition of Photogrammetry, London 1960. 
1.6. The most critical scientific and technical problems which have been chosen as themes for the London 
Congress will be discussed by 5 panels. Five invited papers (B.1) and 17 presented papers (B.2) 
have been received to date in this connection. 
1.7. The 5 themes of the panels are enumerated hereunder together with the names of the discussion 
1.2.1. 1. Convergent or near-vertical photography ? (B.1. Schermerhorn) 
1.7.2. 2. Graphical or numerical photogrammetry ? (B.1. Van der Weele) 
3. Methods available for filling in the blanks left over after plotting, and for checking the 
photogrammetric maps. (B.1. Le Divelec) 
the totality of photogrammetric production of maps and 

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