Full text: General reports (Part 2)

ment of negatives was performed by the Landestopographie in Switzerland (RC5a and RC7a) and by the The t 
Zeiss-Aerotopograph (2xRMK). The factories Wild and Zeiss informed us about the used cameras especially | culate 
“| about focal lengthes, distances between fiducial marks and objective distorsions. These informations were 
ÿ forwarded to Sub-Commission IV: 4. 
3.1 Aerial photography was performed according to the following plan: 
Camera RC7a 10/15 centimeters; plates, vertical photographs with 60 ?/o overlap 
Camera RC5a 11,5/18 centimeters; film; vertical photographs with 60 ?/o overlap 
Camera 2xRMK 21/18 centimeters; film; convergent photographs 
Strip I Strip II | Strip III 
RC7a RC5a | 2xRMK 
Flight aliitude; meters. ............... 1 800 1 800 2 400 
Flight height in the middle; meters..... 900 900 1 500 
Picture scale in the middle ............ 1: 9 000 1: 8 000 1: 7000 
» » onlowedge ............. 1:11 000 1: 9600 1: 8100 
IF » » onhishedse ............ 1: 7000 1: 6100 1: 6200 
HJ 43 Ti 
| 3.2 The original negatives, one set contact-prints and enlarged photographs were forwarded from Dr. Harry follow 
to Mr. Lundgren. All necessary informations about the situation and number of the pass-points and the Abbre 
check-points were also given. The Geographical Survey Office of Sweden made the diapositives, contact- tion 
4 prints and enlarged photographs and sent them to the participators. 
4. The photogrammetric measurement of machine coordinates X, Y and Z were performed in first order 
stereoplotters only. A few models were also measured in a stereocomparator. Each participator had by the 
instruction for the experiment work to measure all points within the two models (A and B) of one strip, 
4 or of two strips or of three strips. In this case, however, there was a variation in the idea of »all points 
i Most participators measured almost »all points» and classified them in good, medium and bad ones with 
regard to their visibility and identifiability. Some of the participators however measured only the good 
and medium ones. Nevertheless we are of the opinion that the material represents a good average of inter- 
national practice, the object that we have to deal with. 
4.1 The methods of relative and absolute orientation were by the instruction left to individual choise and 
the models A had to be oriented with base in and the models B with base out. The relative orientations were 
; however performed according to the following methods. 
: : : : The number of models : 
|| The method of relative orientat. Sum 
LH Strip I | Strip IE | Strip III 
y | : : | | 
m: Optical-mechanical .................. | 15 19 | l 38 
TH Semi-computational ................. - 2 2 1 
NR Numorical........++.+++++4+ 202000 ] 4 12 | 17 
Ii H i The number of models | 16 | 25 | 18 | 59 
| 1 i 
| | A few models without specifications are not included in this table. 
21 The models were measured with base in and out in the following way. 
PI i 
JH [ | Strip I | Strip II | Strip III | 
| I'he number of models a : 
+ 4 | model | model model Sum 
LII A B A | B A | m 
LE il | | 
et | Bascin i... inva nnn 3 4 8 4 1 2 22 
* E | Base out ............... 4 3 4 7 7 6 31 
[.] The models without specifications are not included in this table. 
E. 4 4.2 The measurements of the machine coordinatés X, Y and Z had to be performed at a convenient large 
I: machine scale and to be determined in two runs. In the second run the points should be determined in the 
| reverse order with respect to the first run. All readings had to be recorded in special forms, whish vere 
sent to Stockholm, where they were filed. 
I 6 

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